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Blogging : Business & Finance
Free Blog Hosting: 3 Ways Free Blogs Are Bad For Your Business
If you host your blog on Google's popular blog hosting platform, Blogspot, you'll be interested in knowing that they have just rolled out Dynamic Views as "part of Blogger's ongoing effort to modernize and streamline their interface, to keep the popular blogging site as one of th
How to Export Content From Tumblr to Blogger
If you have a Tumblr blog and a Blogger account, you may want to add your Tumblr posts to Blogger to synchronize your sites. You cannot use Tumblr to automatically export to your Blogger account. However, you can take advantage of your Tumbler's RSS feed to import your Tumblr posts to your Blogger p
Blogging Tips and Tutorials - Are They worth Searching For?
There are now more than plenty of blogging tips and tutorials around the net. But are they really worth searching for? How do we find the important stuff? Whom to listen? To be honest, the truth could
Lifestyle Design: Significant Strategies for a More Meaningful Blogging Business
There are many reasons that make blogging, among many other online business ideas, a satisfying and profitable online venture. First, you may be hired to complement a client's website and assist them in enhancing their ranking in search engine results pages. By providing well-updated and well-r
Speed Improvements With Wordpress 2.9
WordPress is a service that provides free blogs to the public. Its open source blog tool also provides plug-ins and themes for websites. In December 2009, WordPress 2.9 was released to the public. This version provides many improvements and enhancements that provide faster and simpler use.
Blogs As a Marketing Tool - Be Yourself and Make a Good Living Online
I have been using blogs as a marketing tool for about a year, and I am very happy with the results. I generally will set up a WordPress blog around a central theme. I like to think of each blog as a tree with many branches. The branches are usually mini websites like Blogger, Squidoo, and others.
Is There a Future in Blogging?
Is blogging the future of the world?No.It seems that blogging is already taking over.The Center for Information Technology Policy of Princeton University sees the internet as a useful, everyday tool now and in the years to come.The reason for this is the internet has an immediate characteristic to d
Blog Your Way to the Bank
If you like to blog then why not get paid to do it. If you spend hours a day blogging then that is a job that you deserve to be paid for.
7 Smart Tips New Blog Promotion
You've got a blog? Already filled with blog content ? So then the question that often arises then is how to promotion? Got a blog that has been filled blog content, but if it is then not unti
How to Install WordPress Theme
So you have hunted high and low and found the perfect WordPress theme. Now you need to know how to install WordPress theme or it will just be a pretty file collecting dust on your hard drive.
Wealthy Blogging: Blogging for Profit Made Simple
People want to know how to make money with a blog. Here are some different ways to monetize your blog and get started blogging for profit.
Picking the Right, Free Blog Theme For Your Blog Site
With the advance technology that we have these days almost everything can be achieved through the internet. People make use of the internet in getting products and services.
Secrets to Increase Blog Traffic - How I Get a Country Full of Traffic to Blogs!
When you create a blog, you would want to see the traffic increasing too. For this you should be able to attract your customers.
Five Tips for Posting Photos on Your Blog
Images can improve the look and feel of your blog by breaking up long walls of text, adding a splash of color to a post, and illustrating a point. Internet audiences usually skim articles, but images can cause them to pause and look at the content, making them more likely to continue reading your te
6 Tips To Promote a Health Blog
Blogging is considered one of the result driven internet-marketing tools with easy accessibility. A recent survey showed 86% of healthcare professionals willing to generate content in the form of blog posts to provide medical information. With the advent of Web 2.
Blogging Tips - How to Write Interesting Blog Content
Everyone knows how to post on blog but do you know how to write interesting blog posts? These are the tips that get you to become a successful blogger...
Blogging Phenomenon - 3 Reason On The Blogging Phenomenon And How You Can Cash In
Yikes! The world has gone bonkers with the entire blogging phenomenon not just in the western but the eastern world as well. Discover the 3 reasons why this is happening and how you can cash in on this opportunity.
Ways to Legitimately Get Paid for Your Blog
Inexpensive Web hosting plans and free blogging software have combined to make the enjoyment of running a website a reality for nearly anyone, regardless of technical ability. As your new blog begins to attract visitors and consume more of your time, however, you might begin looking for a way to mak
Boost Your Online Revenue With a Niche Blog
You already know how valuable blogging can be to increasing the visibility and value of your online business. Consider adding a niche blog to the mix to boost you revenue opportunities.
Have You Tried Monetizing Your Hobby Blog Yet?
It is hard to find somebody who does not have a hobby. However, very few people look at their hobbies as a source of generating income. Have you given a thought to monetize your blog?