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Blogging : Business & Finance

If You Think Making Money With a Blog Is Easy, Let Me Save You Some Time

You've heard it so many times. You can setup a new blog, post some content from free article directories or private label content and soon you will get "avalanche" of traffic to your site. Most people who claim that blogging is that easy usually is trying to sell their product.

Can You Make Money With a Blog?

We need tools to do business on internet. The main tool we know of is a website. But to build a website requires skills that most of us don't have. Using a blog can solve this problem. Lets see why!

Getting Your Christian Blog Started - 10 Tips

Book stores are filled with a vast array of Christian books. Great books that help us to grow our faith and stand firm in our walk with God. I commend so many Christian authors who have given of their time and skill to encourage the world spiritually. There are many believers out there who may not h

Free Blog Layouts - Look Here For No Cost Good Quality Designs

Whenever I'm advising someone to put a new niche blog network, one of the first things we do is take a look at some of the premium themes (fee based themes) that are on the market, and see if any of them are complimentary to their aesthetic preferences.I'm a big believer in the idea of bui

How to Generate Revenue By Blogging

So you got some information upstairs you want to put on to paper, in a manner of speaking? Blogging is a great way to establish some extra revenue. There is something that needs to happen before you will make money blogging though. You need readers! I will help you find those readers and give you ti

5 Reasons Why You Need a Business Blog

You need a business blog to showcase your expertise and knowledge and to gain some knowledge too in Information Technology. You also need it to generate passive income over the internet. You build relationships and trust by having one-on-one conversations with clients and visitors and with time you

The Secret To Get Repeat Visitors To Your Blog

It is easy to get repeat visitors to your blog. All that is required is a little understanding of human behaviour, learn good, tried and tested blog techniques from other bloggers and just repeat the process.

3 Ways That A Blog Manager Can Help You Promote Your Blogs

In a previous article, we talked about how a WordPress Manager can help you in easily upgrading all of your blogs within your blog network and the many benefits you can get it from this feature. This time we'll be talking about another major feature of the program which is designed to make it a

Points to Ponder in Guest Posting

Guest posting is one of the blog promotional tools almost all bloggers have undertaken today. To some, their efforts have indeed paid off as they actually benefited from it. But there are also bloggers who were not successful with it.

Blogging For Writers - Why Should You Blog?

Want to make more money writing and build your writing career? Blogging is a sure and certain route to success. If you haven't yet discovered the value of blogging for your writing career, let's look at four reasons you should blog.

Squidoo - What Is This New Phenomenon?

First things first - what really is this Squidoo thingy everyone seems to be chatting about these days? It isn't a snowmobile that can drive on water. At it's simplest, Squidoo has been called a sort of MySpace for adults. While that analogy is becoming popular, and it's oh so clever,

Blogging Tips

These are guidelines for bloggers to help them understand the process of making money online. They will help them reap maximum benefits.

Top Ways to Make Money Through Blogs

The wonderful thing is that it is becoming easier and easier for bloggers to make money through blogs. And today I just want to introduce several common streams to make money.

How to Get Feedburner to Refresh a Post

Feedburner, an online service run by Google, works by having users place a bit of code also known as a "feed" on their website and visitors "subscribe" to that "feed" to receive updates via email. There are times when a blogger or web master may want to change a piece of older content or may need to

How To Create A WordPress Website Online

Have you ever thought about creating a WordPress site? If you are trying to start a business online, this is one of the easiest platforms for any newbie to create when it comes to website building. It allows you to not only quickly configure how your website looks, but allows you to make regular pos

Blog Your Way to the Bank

It often pays to be a blogger these days. Some individuals do it for the sheer fun of sharing their knowledge and idea on certain topic of interest, and others may participate in the hope of making money from blogging. There are actually successful people who are able to earn hundreds, or even thous

The 4 Pronged Attack to Making Money Online

In or to be successful at anything you do you need to have a strategy, a plan of attack if you will and making money online is no different. This article looks the four separate pars of a successful way to make money efficiently and effectively.