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Blogging : Business & Finance
Creating an Optimized Blog Post
You are able to distinguish good writing from bad. You can read content as it pertains to your business and your brand and you can understand very quickly if the right messages are in the content. The question is whether you can tell if the content is optimized for the search engines, which is also
Blogging Revealed - 3 Blogging Tips For Success in the Blogosphere
The hottest web 2.0 tool in the web world is blogs.The blogging tips discussed below will help you understand the art of creating successful blogs...
The Ultimate Blogging Theme 3.0 Review and Bonus
One thing I learnt during my hunt for the perfect theme was that it has to do more than just look good; it also needed to please the search engine web crawlers. This is the main selling point of Ultimate Blogging Theme 3.0; we already know that the search engines love it.
Discover the Best Way to Make Money With Blogs
I am sure you have seen those ads that say you can make a million dollars by tomorrow with just the click of your mouse. Maybe you have seen the ones that say you can get rich quick by working only tw
The Benefits Of Blogging For Your Business
The benefits of blogging for your business, and establishing yourself as an expert in your field. From targeted traffic to going viral with social media, and making the most of the 'landing page effect'.
Battle Tested Blogging Secrets That Will Explode Your Income
Blogging is one of the best ways to start earning money on the internet. The reason that I say this is that it does not cost you a lot of money to get started. In this article I go over the basics to build a stable blog business.
Champions Guide to Blogging Pt 4
Ok so now you have good quality content on your blog and you now have good quality visitors from all the traffic you are getting but you are not making money?? Well it is not gonna fall off the trees like we would like so I will tell you of a few ways to make Moola (money) from your website.
Create Amazing Content For Your Blog
Content is something that is not an easy thing, fortunately there is a way to get great content. It is important to create not just content, but content that makes your readers think. The great thing about blogging is that people visit blogs to feed their minds, well depending on your blog. If you c
Blog for Money Venture
Why should you spend all your waking moments just wondering if you can make it in a blog for money venture? Come on, all you need is to check if you have what it takes to succeed in this kind of business. Simply ascertain whether this is the venture that motivates you.
Top Five Web Writing Techniques That Will Take Your Site to New Heights of Popularity
Content and style are two important factors to consider when writing web articles or blogs for the internet. If you take certain these five steps, your future success as a content writer will be assured.
Is This the Right Niche For Me?
Once you've picked a niche you want to start blogging on, it's very important you've picked the right niche, assuming this is you first blog, it's all different when it comes to your first blog, you need to learn what works, what doesn't work and where your going to go from
Getting The Perfect Name for Blog
Your blog name says who you are as a blogger so it is important to get the perfect title that captures the image and spirit of what your business wants to show the world. This will make up the domain name that will appear on the address bar of those who would like to visit your blog; a name that can
How to Remove Posts Based on Date
If you have a blog in which you post regularly, you can change its look by deleting posts you no longer need or want readers to see online. Blog post entries are listed by date on your blogging format -- with the latest post being first and later posts coming afterward. Most blogging formats -- incl
How to End Sidebars in a Thesis
The Thesis Theme program, highlighted by the Wordpress software, allows users to custom-build their own templates. With Thesis, the options and creativity are endless, which can make your page truly different. Choose how your layout is displayed by added custom sidebars or deleting the sidebars alto
Should A Niche Blog Be Monetized Right Away?
Should a new blog offer products right away? A friend asked me that question yesterday and I thought it deserved an answer.
How to Spice Up Your Blog Posts
Are your blog posts dull and lifeless? If they are, you need to start getting spicy with them right now.
How to Make Non-Blogger Templates Work at Blogspot
Changing to a non-Blogger template at Blogspot should be an easy process, but it often isn't. Here's a simple process of a dozen easy steps to back up your current blog, install and debug a new template from someplace other than Google, and have a new interface in minutes!
Blogging to the bank re-launch review
'Blogging to the bank' is a new system for bloggers to earn some extra cash from their passion of blogging. Blogging To The Bank teaches you Robs new step by step blueprint to creati
Best WordPress Plugins - How To Choose
If you run a WordPress blog, then would probably have more than 10 plugins. But are you sure that your blog has the right plugins? This article discusses how you can choose the best WordPress plugins to increase traffic and interaction with your readers.
Auto Blogging Software - The Magic Bullet 2.0
Auto blogging software is something that you will have to learn about if you have any interest in making money with Internet Marketing. If you are reading this, then you already have some knowledge of Internet Marketing but you are likely still scratching your head over many of the terms and tools.