Is This the Right Niche For Me?
Usually your first blog will be forgotten about, but they are a great way to get used to blogging and get the basics down.
Generally when it comes to blogging, it takes a while to start showing any sort of income, or even traffic - Obviously you can start a blog and instantly get traffic (I have many, many times before) - But really, it's going to take a good few months before search engines start to take your blog seriously, so your going to be blogging on this niche for long periods of time.
As it's your first blog, it'll probably take a lot longer, as you don't know what works, what doesn't work and how to get traffic really, so you need to bare in mind that you'll be writing about this niche, for at least a few months.
You really want to have at least 2 new articles a week, although as you may already know, we update our blog with new articles daily.
The next step in telling if a niche is right for you, do you enjoy learning about that niche? Do you already know a lot of information about this niche? Then the obvious, will you enjoy writing about this niche? Blogging is meant to be fun, if your not enjoying blogging, what's the point in doing it really? Now as I previously said, you are going to have writing about this niche for a while, I've had a load of niche ideas, but after this final step, have decided to not go ahead with the niche, your going to need to write a lot of articles, but exactly what on? Take 10 minutes of your day out, to simply brainstorm as many article ideas as you can, I personally like to use a good old pen and paper, instead of notepad or something similar, but that's down to you, if you seem to have a good flow of article ideas and have quite a large list, I'd say go ahead with this niche.
The great thing about this final step, if you decide to go ahead in the niche, you've already got a load of article ideas written down! Saves me a load of time, I've got a draw full of snippets of paper, with article ideas/references on them, one of these days I'll clear it out!