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Careers & Employment : Business & Finance

Government HR Training

The federal and state governments provide training programs and resources for those working in the field of human resources. Training programs are offered by government entities including state labor departments and the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Occupational Safety and

About How Much Is a Phlebotomist Salary?

The medical and or institutional fields are the most beneficial, worthwhile and enticing post or profession to dive into. Though, studying medicine or any medical related course is pretty tough, it ca

Your Special Job Now

Getting a job now is harder than ever do to the poor economical conditions in the country. Don’t give up! There are jobs available for you.

Choosing a Career That Makes You Happy

Choosing a career that makes you happy is very crucial to your life. This article will help you understand how to choose a job that you TRULY enjoy.

25 Popular Job Interview Questions and Answers

Interview questions and answers are a source of many questions for us, no pun intended. Why? Because our readers know that the key to interview success is preparation, preparation and more preparation, and who doesn't want to have the answers to the test in advance?

How to Properly Respond to an Inaccurate Negative Performance Review

A negative performance appraisal can affect the way you view your supervisor. It can also be demoralizing to receive an appraisal that contains inaccurate information about your performance. Provided you have documentation to support your claim, you can usually obtain a human resources department re

Performance Review Suggestions

A performance review is an annual evaluation of an employee's achievements, goals and work habits. These assessments help companies make modifications to increase productivity and improve employee efficiency. Some individuals welcome this opportunity as a chance to receive much-earned acclamation; r

How to retire young and rich

This article talks about what to do after you get out of high school in some basic steps. It shows you how to get rich early and retire young in life.

Advice for Writing Jobs

Companies will always have a need for writers, as they constantly need to update corporate brochures, design print advertisements and create direct mail promotions. Doctors and medical professionals also need writers to transcribe their recordings. The popularity of the Internet, web sites and blogg

How To Use The Power Of Social Technology To Engage Employees?

Social networks are inherently built to foster a community spirit by sharing personal thoughts, views, ideas, photos and important milestones in one's life, both personal and professional. The extent of their usage has led to the slow blurring of lines between business and personal, where busin

Waiting For The Job Offer

Let's say you have been interviewing with various companies over the past several months. And with one of these companies you have actually had three interviews; the first being a typical phone screening interview, the ...

Farrier (Horseshoer)

Farrier work is performed by hand, using anvils, hammers, and other tools in conjunction with forges (furnaces) whose heat reaches temperatures over 2000° F. Good hand-eye coordination, creative probl

Medical Transcription: How Do You Walk Away?

Medical transcriptionists often find themselves completely absorbed in their profession. In the last few weeks, I've heard from many MTs who talk about working more than one job, trying to juggle involvement in their professional life, and somewhere in between all of that, trying to take care o

Things You Need to Know on How to Start a Daycare Center

If you love hanging out and taking care of kids then starting a daycare center at your home can be a great business opportunity. This is particularly true for many moms out there who want stay at home and still make money. With a home based daycare you can stay at home, surround yourself with kids,