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Careers & Employment : Business & Finance

Indian Bank Jobs Attract Many Million Candidates

Indian Bank jobs attract many million candidates every year and it in necessary that the desired facilities be provided by the accomplishment commission to facilitate the large numbers of candidate showing

Office Software Help: Video Series

Microsoft Office is one of the most popular suites of productivity tools available for the PC and Mac today. Find out about Microsoft Office software with help from a certified career, small business and life coach that helps clients bring out their own strengths in this free video series.

What Are the Duties of a Reservationist?

A reservationist helps customers book travel en ligne image by philippe Devanne from Fotolia.comA reservationist is someone who reserves events, tickets or makes travel arrangements. Reservationists use customer-service skills to assist people. In general,...

How to Become an Infantry Officer

The Infantry in the Army is the combat force on the mainland. It is considered the fighting strength of the American Army and an officer is someone who leads operations and leads everyone in all sections of land combat. Learn how to become an Infantry Officer.

Choosing Your PR Agency

There are several things to think about when choosing a public relations agency. London firms will often have plenty of industry contacts, both in the UK and abroad, and while this is of course important, ...

Resume Tips For Restaurant Managers

The resume should not be a job description. The HR manager knows the restaurant manager's job description and assumes that if you've held the job, you've done the tasks.

Why Become a Primary Teacher?

Primary or early education teachers typically instruct children in preschool through Grade 3. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics figures from 2008, the average annual wage of a teacher was approximately $47,000 to $51,000. Beginning teachers typically start out around $33,000.

How to Figure Retroactive Pay

When an employer gives an employee a raise, he might make it effective for a prior pay period. The payroll representative has to ensure that the employee receives both her new pay rate and what she should have been paid on her last paycheck. The amount the employee should have been paid is called re

Discussing the CTO Resume

It is the Chief Technology Officer's responsibility to implement and execute new technologies across a company. It is important for the CTO to think to the future of technology and how this c

Business Relationships

Is there someone in your office with whom you find it challenging to deal? Is your life at work being harmed by a difficult relationship?

base development plan

Glossary of United States Military words and phrases -- base development plan

How to Use a Semicolon Properly

Semicolons are not as popular or as widely-used as the more common forms of punctuation, such as commas and periods, but they definitely have their useful place. Semicolons are powerful forms of punctuation; they splice together and link two closely-related sentences. They are stronger than a comma

How to Cover Insurance for Tenured Employees

Tenure is a concept popular in the education field. Employees earn tenure by working for the same school or organization for a long period and meeting other criteria such as completing research, publishing work and doing excellent work. Each organization has its own process for designating tenure. M

Create a Perfect CV to Attract Potential Employers

A good CV plays a highly significant role in your search for job, by attracting potential employers, recruiters and agencies to call you in for an interview. Therefore the responsibility of creating an ideal CV increases involuntarily as it acts as a stepping stone between the employer and the job s

How to Become an Energy Star Certified Builder

Any contractor can build a good house but what can make that good house an even better, more desirable home is the addition of Energy Star certification. Newly constructed homes which are awarded this rating typically have reduced utility costs, improved durability, and often benefit the environment

How to Get Hired After 45

Getting hired after age 45 has as much or more to do with your attitude as it does with anything else. If you believe, think and project youthful qualities, prospective employers will react to you positively. But if your resume, attitude and skill set are stuck in the '80s (or, heaven forbid, the '5