The Politics of Cancer or Why We Don"t Have a Cure

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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical

How to Review Cancer Staging Statistics

It is estimated that more than 1.5 million people developed a form of cancer in 2010. The disease strikes those of all ages and ethnicities as abnormal cells grow and spread throughout the body. If you or someone close to you has been diagnosed with a form of cancer, educate yourself about the stage

Kill Cancer Cells With Prostate Cancer Radiation

Prostate cancer radiation is when radiation is used to kill cancer cells or to prevent prostate cancer from growing. Prostate cancer radiation is effective and essential for men who choose this cancer option.

Risk Factors To Kidney Cancer

Find out what kidney cancer is and what factors increase the risks to developing one. Early detection of kidney cancer is difficult.

Flight Crews Have Higher Cancer Risk

Researchers know that airline pilots and flight attendants have a higher rate of certain types of cancer. What's less concrete is exactly why.

First Signs of Breast Cancer

During 2011, approximately 280,000 American women were affected with some form of breast cancer. It is estimated that one in every eight U.S. women will be affected by some sort of breast cancer during their lifetime.

Top 5 Alternative Mesothelioma Treatments

Alternative mesothelioma treatments, along with traditional treatments such as chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy can be very beneficial when it comes to treating mesothelioma. These alterna

Eye Cancer Diagnosis

The American Cancer Society estimates 2,350 new cases of eye cancer in the United States in 2009. Eye cancer starts in the middle layers of the eye. Patients with eye cancer may or may not experience certain symptoms.

Mesothelioma Treatment Costs: What You Should Know

Mesothelioma is a cancerous affliction. It is primarily of three types, pleural, peritoneal and pericardial. Like every form of malignant cancer, the overall cost of its treatment may be huge.A person may be required to spend thousands of dollars each month. The cost of treatment of the disease depe

Lymphoplasmacytic Disorders

Lymphoplasmacytic disorder is a disease that affects the lymphoplasmacyte cells that produce monoclonal light chained immunoglobulins, which are part of the immune system.

Turmeric for Skin

Turmeric is a common ingredient in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine, commonly used as a substitute for saffron because of its similar flavor and ability to turn food a golden color.

Why Should I Have a Skin Biopsy?

Why should I have a skin biopsy? Skin cancer. How do you know if you have it? Ever wonder about that spot on your foot? Is it new? Has it changed? Does it bleed? Is it darker then it was in the past?

What Are the Treatments for Metastasis of Thyroid Cancer?

Papillary or follicular thyroid cancers (the most common) are highly treatable and usually curable, according to the National Cancer Institute. Other forms of thyroid cancer tend to metastasize earlier and call for aggressive treatment