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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical
Breast Cancer Symptoms
Any woman who suddenly detects a lump in her breast is probably immediately going to think of the symptoms of breast cancer. But benign lumps and cysts are quite normal. In fact, 80% of all lumps that are detected in self-exams, during bathing or during normal activities are not breast cancer.
CAD & Risks of Non Cardiac Surgery
Non-cardiac surgery for CAD patients can be a image by Andrey Rakhmatullin from Fotolia.comPlaque build-up in coronary arteries is the cause of CAD (coronary artery disease). Too much blockage can keep oxygenated blood from flowing to the heart, causing the heart to...
Important Tips On How To Choose The Best Dietary Supplements In Mesothelioma Treatment
If you are thinking about using dietary supplements such as vitamins, herbs, or any product made from plants (botanicals) as part of your mesothelioma cancer treatment, you will want to know more before you decide what you want to do. These following guidelines will help you learn more about dietary
Coping With Cancer During The Holidays - A Guide For Patients And Caregivers
The holidays can be a particularly difficult time of year when a family is coping with a brain tumor. It is not abnormal to feel like your usual holiday cheer has been overshadowed by incongruent feelings.
What’s the Prevalence of Colon Cancer Recurrence?
Survivors of colon cancer face the chance of a recurrence. Learn about the statistics, symptoms and treatment of colon cancer recurrence.
Mistletoe for Cancer? Maybe Not
Taking mistletoe for cancer may be ineffective and possibly harmful, British doctors report.
Management of Irritant Contact Dermatitis and PICCs
For patients with cancer, changes in central line care and chemotherapy protocols have paved the way for irritant contact dermatitis. How can the trend be reversed?
Cancer survivors need to take precautions while exercising, do you know what are they?
During and shortly after cancer treatment, don't start exercising and if you do always take precaution as mentioned in the article.
The Truth Behind Metastatic Lung Cancer
Unlike other forms of lung cancer, metastatic lung cancer is the result of a cancer from another part of the body spreading to the lungs.
Increased Cancer Risk From Commonly Used Medications
Are current medication and cancer-link claims valid?
Cancer of Esophagus - Types, Symptoms and Stages
The esophagus or gullet - is described as a muscular tube connecting the mouth and stomach. It measures 20-25 centimeters long and 2-3 centimeters wide, this serves as channel in moving drinks and foods from mouth to stomach.
Dealing with Your Cancer with the Help of Modern Medicine
Cancer is no joke – especially certain types of it, which are notorious for being difficult to treat. However, there's usually at least some degree of hope in any such situation, and you must
Asbestos Lawyers - From the Greatest Place
Getting a settlement for your asbestos claim should not be a difficult task.These cases are settling left and right all over the United States.If you have lost a loved one to cancer or you have cancer yourself it could have been caused by asbestos and if it was you need one of the top Denver asbesto
Alternative Brain CancerTreatment
The brain is the most important part of our body. It is responsible for the central nervous system. It controls everything we do, including things our body does automatically such as breathing, swallowing, walking and talking. The kinds of cancer are numerous, including many forms of brain cancer. C
Routine Chest X-Rays May Not Cut Lung Cancer Deaths
Getting a routine chest X-ray is not likely to reduce your chance of dying from lung cancer, a study shows.
Top 10 Colon Cancer Prevention Tips
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common, and yet preventable, cancers. To help protect yourself and your loved ones from the disease, follow these ten colon cancer prevention tips.
Sunlight for Your Life
Contrary to popular opinion Sunlight is Essential for your life, health and well being.
Journal Article: Outpatient Colonoscopy by Rural Family Physicians
Cancer research - journal article. Outpatient Colonoscopy by Rural Family Physicians. March 2005.
Communication in Cancer Care (PDQ®): Supportive care - Patient Information [NCI]-Overview
Good communication between patients,family caregivers,and the health care team is very important in cancer care. Good communication between patients with cancer,family caregivers,and the health care team helps improve patients' well-being and quality of life. Communicating about concerns and dec