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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical
Breast Cancer Screening (PDQ®): Screening - Patient Information [NCI]-What is screening?
Screening is looking for cancer before a person has any symptoms. This can help find cancer at an early stage. When abnormal tissue or cancer is found early,it may be easier to treat. By the time symptoms appear,cancer may have begun to spread. Scientists are trying to better understand which ...
The Causes And Symptoms of Prostrate Cancer
Prostate cancer is a cancer that afflicts the prostate which is a part of the male reproductive organ. Its primary purpose is to store seminal fluid. The prostrate is small in size, about three centimeters. ...
Ethical Considerations in the Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer
Ethical considerations in the treatment of head and neck cancer comprise a relatively unexplored area within the context of overall cancer care.
Clinical Utility of Serum HER2/neu in Monitoring and Prediction
HER2/neu serum concentrations measured soon after initiation of trastuzumab-based treatment may be an early predictor of progression-free survival in patients with metastatic breast cancer.
Oncology's Unrecognized Crisis
Why should 71% of young oncologists in Europe report burnout? Dr Susana Banerjee, author of a much touted European survey, explains her study findings and critical issues that need to be addressed.
Melanoma Skin Cancer Risks
Melanoma skin cancer risk increases even from moderate amounts of sun exposure.
Medical Information on Melanoma Skin Cancer
Melanoma is a type of cancer that occurs in the cells in the body that produce the skin pigment called melanin. Melanoma is most associated with the skin, though it can occur in other body organs, such as the eyes or intestines. In 2008, the National Cancer Institute reported 62,480 new cases of mel
Impacted Colon Symptoms
According to the Colon Cleansing & Constipation Resource Center, "many people suffer from impaction without even realizing it because its symptoms are not necessarily directly related to digestion." An impacted colon is when fecal and mucus deposits adhere to the walls of the colon, making it diffi
Cancer of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Together cancer of the gullet, stomach, bowel and pancreas are the commonest group of cancers, especially in the sixties onwards but they do occur before then. Cancer of the colon or rectum is the third most common cancer in men, causing about 8,500 deaths a year. It is more likely if there is a fam
Breast Cancer Patient Refused Large Medicaid Coverage Because he is Male
Disease doesn't discriminate, but apparently State medicaid programs coverage does. A 26-year-old Sc tile-layer finds themself with cancer of the breast and at a complete loss for just one re
Erbitux Helps Treat Advanced Lung Cancer
Adding the targeted drug Erbitux to standard chemotherapy drugs significantly cuts the risk of death for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer patients -- regardless of what chemotherapy combination is used, a study shows.
An Oncologist Muses About the Power of Words
Mindful of the ripple effect of words, in this video blog, Dr. John Marshall urges oncologists to be sensitive to the "life and death" power of their messages.
Bone Drug vs. Breast Cancer
Adding the bone-building drug Zometa to chemotherapy shrinks breast tumors better than chemo alone, researchers report.
Natural Cures for Multiple Myeloma
Multiple myeloma is the most prevalent form of bone cancer. People with this type of cancer are very susceptible to infection because this cancer affects the tissue that creates B cells, the immune cells that create antibodies that fight disease. Natural medicines cannot replace conventional medicin
Breast Anatomy
Illustration copyright 2000 by Nucleus Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
Prostate Cancer Disease - Why Early Detection is Critical to Your Survival
No doubts about it - prostate cancer is a killer disease that continues to kill lots of people all around the world. But of course, as it continues to kill lots of people, so are lots more people surviving it. What's the key to surviving the condition, you might ask? This article looks at how a
Excess Belly Fat Heightens Colon Cancer Risk
Colon cancer screening might come sooner than you think if the recommendations of Korean researchers are adopted. According to the researchers, if you've got a larger waistline and are in your 40s, you've more than doubled your risk of developing precancerous cells in the colon. In fact, t
Alternative Treatments for Cervix Cancer
Cervical cancer occurs when healthy cells become genetically mutated, creating cancer cells that multiply and don't die. Researchers are still learning the causes of cervical cancer, however, the sexually transmitted disease human papillomavirus (HPV) may play a role, according to the Mayo Clinic. S
Esophageal Cancer Symptoms, Anatomy And Incidence
Esophageal cancer symptoms involve a tumor or malignant lesion in the muscular tube that connects the back of the throat to the stomach. This tube called the esophagus, is about ten to eleven feet long (25-30 cm) and helps to actively transport food and liquids to the stomach. The bottom of the esop