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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical
Passages Counseling Center of Huntington Station NY
Substance abuse treatment services offered by Passages Counseling Center of Huntington Station NY
How Many People Die From Smoking? - What the Statistic Says
How many people die from smoking? Some people might say, "Not much. No statistic says that smoking causes death. I mean, there is nobody who smoked a cigarette and died right away. Is there?"
Dextromethorphan - More Than A Cold Medicine
If you have taken a cold medication, more than likely you have heard of or used a drug containing Dextromethorphan in the past. This drug is used as a cough suppressant to help those who are having trouble with bothersome coughing during a cold. While its approved use is as a cough suppressant, unfo
Cherries can cure gout
Is it really possible for cherries to cure gout? Well cherries have been linked to treatment of gout since a very long time. This question was examined scientifically in the year 1950 when a doctor ...
Not One Puff Ever (N.O.P.E.) Part Two
"Think long and hard about what that one puff, that one cigarette really means to you. Is it worth setting yourself up for being re-hooked again - possibly for years?"
Alcohol or Drug Use During Pregnancy-Credits
A list of contributors to the topic on Alcohol or Drug Use During Pregnancy.
Happy Pill
The definition of the term 'Happy Pill' from the Alcoholism / Substance Abuse site.
Teen Drug Test - Which One to Use?
Of all the many ways and tests available to test for drugs, there are three which can and will work well in the home. These ways listed are easy and require little experience to administer, and offer different ways from direct to subtle.
Hangovers - A Pain in the Workplace
Excessive drinking by employees cost businesses and industries worldwide billions of dollars each year in absenteeism and lost productivity.
Young Adults and Addictions: 5 Ways a Parent Can Support Their Child
If a parent has a child who is struggling with addictions, it can be a relief to know ways to support your child so they can stay sober.A parent cannot patrol their loved one but can become more knowledgeable as to what is available to avoid relapse.
Prescription Drug Abuse Is A Deadly Addiction
Medicines that we use to cure diseases can sometimes become a cause of drug addiction. Pill addiction or prescription drug abuse is what these addictionsare called. It has been with us ever since doctors have started prescribing medicines by writing it on a piece of paper and has now become more wid
Midcoast Hospital of Brunswick ME
Substance abuse treatment services offered by Midcoast Hospital of Brunswick ME
Self Hypnosis Stop Smoking: Secret Method, Give Up Fast + Easy!
If you have ever tired to give up smoking you will know that it's harder than most other things in life. For me it felt like the cigarettes where calling to me with the volume ...
Maryland Drunk Driving Law
Here are highlights from Maryland law on driving while under the influence (MD Transp. Code section 21-902).
What Are The Long Term Effects Of Smoking?
Smoking is so entrenched in today's world that most people just accept the toll it takes on society as normal, and that's a shame. It seems to be the case that if you do something to ruin a persons health slowly, then that's much more acceptable than if you do something that's ba
Quit Smoking Drugs - Why You Should Be Careful Using Them, If You Value Your Health
If you are considering buying and taking any of the quit smoking drugs out there, this article contains a very important tip that you should adhere to, before going ahead. If you don't adhere to this tip, you could end up endangering your life and doing yourself more harm than good. You see, wh
I Need to Quit Drinking - Alcohol is Ruining My Life
I am a recovering Alcoholic and have not taken or wanted to take a drink for many years. After numerous failed attempts to stop drinking I found recovery and today I live a happy and contented life. In this article I explain how I came to a point in my life where I knew I had to quit drinking and so
Does Weed Stop You From Dreaming?
Regular smokers of marijuana often report that they remember no dreams while sleeping, and those coming off the drug admit to a virtual flood of dreams in their nightly sleep, but is there any scienti