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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical

The Herniated Lumbar Disc

What is a herniated or slipped disc? Understanding what it is requires knowledge of anatomy. I have attempted to create an easy description of the components of the spinal disc and how it works within the framework of the spinal joint. Also, exactly what happens when a disc herniates, the different

Shoulder Pain Management

Shoulder pain is a common condition that can affect people in all walks of life and during anytime in their lifetime. It is very common in seniors and is of course due to the aging process that affects the joints, making them more susceptible to the stresses and weight bearing that is constantly bei

Knee Pain & Teenie Tiny Movements

Here is a concept that I believe is very import in the quest to understanding your Knee Pain. That is the teenie tiny movements (intrinsic) in your knee joint.

Avoid Headaches Naturally

Do you get headaches? I used to get them all the time. In fact, during college, I'd have them almost daily. I didn't know how to avoid headaches naturally; I loved Excedrine. It really does work. Well, it gets rid of the headache, anyway. I mean, as long as the headache went away, the prob

Back Pain and Your Immune System: Inflammation

A better understanding of the immune system is unraveling potential new treatments for back pain caused by chronic inflammation. Once thought the product of an overactive immune system, there is now reason to believe that inflammation may be reduced by immune system boosters.

How do I Use Accpuncture to Get Rid of Headaches?

Headaches range from simply annoying to completely debilitating. For many headache sufferers, headaches mean days spent inside with the curtains drawn surrounded by silence. It makes sense that these individuals would seek relief in any form possible. If you suffer headaches,

The Backlash After Whiplash: What Can You Do?

Whiplash injury is a sudden strain or trauma affecting the bones, disks, muscles, ligaments, nerves, and tendons of the neck, a body area that involves seven vertebrae and is known as the cervical region. The damaging forward and backward or even sideways jolt of the head and neck. Various symptoms

What Really Are Cluster Headaches?

A cluster headache, unlike migraines which can have a warning aura, will start with no warning. It may reach its peak intensity within 2-15 minutes. It may only last a few minutes, but it often lasts longer, averaging around 45 minutes. The pain of a cluster headache is agonizing, which is they they

What to Know About Supplements for Pain

Many people take supplements to help relieve pain and other symptoms. But talk with your doctor first -- some can cause side effects or interfere with other meds.

Acupuncture Treatment For Back Pain

The ancient practice of acupuncture has been used to treat back pain for centuries. More recent research shows that it is an effective option for people suffering pain in their backs.

A Torn Rotator Cuff - An Athlete's Worst Nightmare

All athletes dread the pop or pain in their shoulder that indicates a torn rotator cuff. You hear about this all the time on the news. This athlete or that athlete has torn their rotator cuff and is out for the season.

Spinal Stenosis

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of Spinal Stenosis including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Upper and Middle Back Pain-Cause

In most cases,upper and middle back pain is caused by: Overuse,muscle strain,or injury to the muscles,ligaments,and discs that support your spine. Poor posture. Myofascial pain that affects the connective tissue of a muscle or group of muscles. For example,some people hurt their backs when they: Slu

5 Top Ways to Control Pain When You Have Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

One of the main complaints from anyone suffering from symptoms of fibromyalgia is that their pain causes such distress in their lives - both because of the suffering it causes, and the fact that it often prevents them from doing what they had planned. But actually, even though pain - real pain - can