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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical

Spinal Cord Stimulation for Back Pain

Spinal cord stimulation is recommended for back pain when other treatments have failed. WebMD examines this procedure and its role in pain management.

Repetitive Strain - Bad News - Hope With Chiropractic Care

Repetitive strain injury, or RSI, is a musculoskeletal condition caused by repeatedly putting your body parts in positions with the intention of causing preventable stress and strain. Poor posture, inappropriate lifting and poor sleeping positions can all lead to this injury. These stress activities

Exertion Headaches - Pain in the Head After Exercising

Imagine this scenario - you meet up with friends for a quick but intense game of soccer. Everyone has a great time and everyone leaves feeling worked out and re-energized -- except for one person -- YOU. You are blindsided by a painful headache, and this is not the first time.

Chosen To Become A Caregiver

Being diagnosed with a chronic illness is a shock. There are no easy solutions when confronted with an illness. Remember to take one step and one day at a time. Stay focused, hopeful and trust for a brighter day. You can get through it based on your belief, medical teams, hospital staff, and social

Dealing With Back Pain - What Can You Do?

At some point in their lives, a large majority of people, both men and women, will suffer with back pain. It can be completely debilitating when it strikes, and varies in severeness from mild stiffness to the kind of back pain that completely restricts your ability to move. So what can you do?

Kampo Cure for Migraines

Kampo is a Japanese form of herbal medicine that originated in China. It is an integral part of Japanese health care management, and some treatments are even covered by health insurance. It is gaining attention in Western medicine because of its reported effectiveness for treating migraine headaches

Using Spinal Decompression For Herniated Disc And Degenerated Disc Treatment

A relatively new treatment is available for difficult back pain, low back pain and neck pain. It is called spinal decompression. It is somewhat like traction, but more sophisticated in its engineering. The reason it usually helps patients is based on a simple, factual premise- as we age, our spines

Majority of Lower Back Surgeries Are Successful

Most people experience low back pain at one time or another. In fact, Kansas University Medical Center researchers estimate 75% of all people will experience back pain at some time in their lives.

Benefits of Glucosamine Supplementation

Glucosamine is an amino sugar found in glycosaminoglycans that are naturally found in healthy cartilage. Glucosamine is also found in the stomach where it combines with hydrochloric acid to make hyluronic acid which is present naturally in the joint cartilage, ligaments, tendons and synovial fluid.

Osteoarthritis - Was a Previous Injury to Blame For Your Knee Pain?

Most people when told they have osteoarthritis of the knee respond with something like "must have been that old football injury" or "its all those years of working in a tight space" Is this the case? Could you have prevented your arthritis by remaining injury free or doing a diff

How To Prevent Back Pain For Frequent Travelers

Many individuals who don't typically suffer from chronic back pain find that long flights trigger either back or neck spasms. The situation is even worse for those who are frequent travelers, and the airport seems like their second home. If you belong to one of them, it is fortunate that there

Laser Spine Surgery And Its Advantages

There are times when people may experience back ache or some painful feelings that are somehow related to their spines. This can be caused by quite a lot of factors. Fortunately, there are quite a few ways people can use to recover from this back or spine ache. This ache can be liberated from numero

Why Does a Lumbar Disk Protrusion Cause Pain?

Four out of five people are affected by lower back pain at some point in their lives. One cause of pain in the back and the rest of the lower body is a protruding lumbar disk.