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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical

How To Select The Best Pain Relief Spray For Painful Muscles and Joints

The use of pain relief spray as a form of at home therapy has increased in popularity in the last few years. This article will detail how to select a good product. This type of spray is most often used for muscle and joint issues, such as pain or swelling. One easy thing to look for is that your pro

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - What is It?

If you're like millions of Americans, you have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel is a "nerve entrapment" syndrome, which means that a nerve that runs through your wrist and that conducts sensations and pain signals has been pinched or crushed. This leads to pai

Get Amazing Fibromyalgia Pain Relief With the Amega Amwand

Fibromyalgia pain relief is just a dream for many, many people. Dealing with pain every day has become a way of life for those of you with fibromyalgia. The good news is that there is a new technology that will get rid of your pain without drugs.

Tips to Naturally Relieve Back Pain

As our society continues to spend nearly all of its time sitting down, we are finding it more essential to relieve back pain. We waste hours in a commute to work, hours upon hours sitting in front of a desk. We are stuck in front of a computer at work or home and after that finish it all off with si

Pregnancy and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

For many women, sporting a baby bump comes with an unexpected surprise-symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome! A recent article has estimated that more than 20% of pregnant women get carpal tunnel syndrome, which is compression of a nerve where it lies in a small tunnel, at the level of the wrist. It&ap

3 Simple Back Exercises in Less Than 5 Minutes

For those of us that suffer from back pain it is a constant battle to find the time in our busy schedules to do the proper back stretching exercises that are vital to keep the muscles stretched, not only as we begin our day but also at times when we can feel that sharp pain in our back that is telli

Practice Yoga For Back Pain

Pregnancy is a joyful period for a couple; however, a nagging back pain can convert this blissful tenure into an uncomfortable experience. In recent times, yoga to relieve back pain has emerged as a popular option amongst pregnant women.

A Guide to the Causes For Headaches

Ever wonder why headaches occur? Are you sick and tired of not knowing the factors that contribute to the intense throbbing within your head?

Chiropractic - The Plain and Simple Truth

One of the most common conversations had by chiropractors and the general public is about the 'popping' or 'cracking' sounds that are so well known in the profession. It is probably similar to how police officers are asked about having to shoot their gun or a fireman being trappe

Treating Your Hip Bursitis Yourself

What Is Hip Bursitis? The word bursitis is derived from bursa. A bursa is a fluid filled sac which acts as an absorber of shock (cushion) between a bone and a tendon.

Cluster Headaches

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of cluster headaches, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Relief From Back Pain is Just a Thought Away

One of the most commonly overlooked aspects in lower back pain therapies include that of the mind-body connection.Now, it is becoming much more widely accepted as a therapeutic medium, however, how to implement it still seems to be a challenge for most back pain sufferers.Here are a few tips to make

Some Facts About Tennis Elbow Surgery

Tennis elbow is a medical condition that is characterized as an inflammation of the tendons around the elbows. It can cause severe pain if not treated immediately. When all possible causes of pain have been crossed out, most doctors recommended tennis elbow surgery to treat the pain.

Sickle Cell Crisis

WebMD explains sickle cell crisis (Vaso-Occlusive Crisis), outbreaks of pain in your bones if you have sickle cell disease.

Shoes For Sensitive Feet - Foot Care Shopping Tips

Today, we are lucky to have a large selection of socks and shoes for sensitive feet. At one time, we were stuck with ugly orthopedic shoes and sock manufacturers neglected us completely. Who thought it was a good idea to put the seam on the inside, in the first place?

Seeing a Chiropractor for Back Pain Relief

There are a number of reasons why one may be experiencing back pain. A chiropractor will use their knowledge and expertise to properly determine what is causing the severe discomfort.

Relieving Chilli Burn

Anyone who has eaten spicy food will have experienced 'chilli burn'. This article will attempt to try and explain how the burn can be prevented and should that fail how to cure the after effects.Many people believe that the burning sensation that chillies give us is part of the reason why

Menstrual Migraine Facts

Menstrual migraines are provoked by hormonal fluctuations in women before, during, and after their periods. These headaches cause symptoms of nausea, dizziness, vomiting, and irritability that can adversely affect daily activities, work, and family care. The pain of menstrual migraines can be allevi