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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical

4 Types of Shoulder Tendonitis Treatment for Shoulder Pain

Our shoulder is a very complex joint that is used in almost every action. As a result, one of the most common problems is shoulder tendonitis. The joints are stabilitsed by a group of muscles called the rotator cuffs and when it gets inflamed, it gets further irritated by the many structures around

Neuropathy Pain

The sciatic nerve is located in the lower back and extends down the back of each leg. Pain is caused when a disc has protruded and puts pressure on a nerve called the radicular nerve. This forms the start of the sciatic nerve. The pain experienced can be as simple as tingling or a weakness/numbness

Tips On How To Treat A Headache

Children as well as adults suffer from headaches, albeit, there are different degrees of it and when faced with one, we usually want them to disappear. Well, some of the things that you could do to get this done are:

What Triggers Migraine?

We all know that migraines are one of the worse kinds of headaches that a person can feel. It is so painful that it would take several hours or even days before it gets better. There have been no known causes or origins as to why people get migraines only triggers.

Natural Back Pain Relief - Ways of Overcoming Back Pain

The use of over-the-counter pain medication and other artificial remedies is still very popular but recent trends show that more and more people are now choosing to go for natural back pain relief. We are not only referring to herbal treatments or such, but all treatments that do not involve the use

Sciatica Treatment: One Or Two Possible Remedies

Sciatica is now regarded as one of the most common reasons for absenteeism from work. Unfortunately, because of the difficulty in diagnosing this ailment, it is also viewed with certain skepticism upon your announcing you are a sufferer. To be honest, it is probably the easiest way to bunk off work

Back Pain And Getting Older - Do They Always Go Hand In Hand?

The spine is what we rely on to keep us up right, to give us support and get through our activities of daily living.So you can see how vitally important back health is to your overall wellness.Because of this, you absolutely must take care of your back.

The Benefits of Inversion Table Therapy

Have you heard of 'Inversion Table Therapy' for lower back pain? Well if you or someone that you know suffer from back pain, now is the time to look for alternative to prescription drug for back pain medication. Try the natural way.

Catholic Cremation Rites And Rituals Are Totally Different.

There are host of beliefs and rules related with Catholic cremation. Another important part of Catholic funeral is mausoleums. Mausoleum in simple terms is an external free standing building that is constructed in order to serve as a burial chamber. Mausoleum is a place where the dead rests in peace

Pain Management and Active Rehabilitation

It is said that when a vertebra is not aligned, also called as subluxation, it causes the block in the natural flow of "innate intelligence" throughout the body, which then leads to disease or illness especially disorders of the nervous system. Chiropractors believe that our human body is

Natural Joint Pain Relief Methods

Joint pain is due to a deterioration of the joints, also put down due to normal wear and tear of the joints, or more specifically the cartilage inside of these joints. It is also a problem among young, particularly those who are very active sports wise, although there are fewer cases in comparison t

What Painkiller for My Headache?

There are an amazing range of over the counter painkillers available for the treatment of headache and at sometime or another we have probably tried them all. Did you you ever take the time to find out just how these painkillers work and what they did along with any side effects?

What is Alternative Pain Relief?

With so many alternative pain relief options, you should carefully research and find the one that works best for you.Soon your chronic pain will be a thing of the past.

DEA and Pain Docs Release Collaborative FAQ

In the wake of news stories about prescription drug use and abuse and great concern among patients in pain, dozens of pain experts in collaboration with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), recently released a FAQ document intended to provide answers to questions about treating pain while reco

Arthritis Pain Relief & Menthol

According to the Arthritis Foundation, dealing with pain can be the hardest part of managing arthritis or related conditions. Pain is the body's way of saying it needs help. Arthritic pain comes from joint problems such as swelling and inflammation or nerve irritation. Prescriptions and non-steroida

How to Treat Carpal Tunnel Numbness

In a layman's view, Carpal wrist tunnel is like a space inside your hand. This space is formed by the bones of your hand. Along the opening, the median nerve, tendons, and tenosynovium pass.

Back Pain From Strains and Sprains

Lower back pain can be caused by multiple things, but sometimes it is from a strain or sprain in the back. Strains and Sprains are often confused and grouped as one thing. Most people do not know it but they are two very different injuries. This article will briefly describe the differences between