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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical

Back Pain - The Cheapest Solutions

If you are reading this article then I am assuming that: 1. You suffer from back pain. 2. You have spent a lot of money to resolve it without success. Guess what - Many people are like you.

Balancing Life With Fibromyalgia

The diagnosis of fibromyalgia, like any other illnesses, is hard for anyone to swallow. It feels like your body has betrayed you. I've found the best way to deal with the physical is to also deal with the spiritual and mental aspects.

How to Get A Prescription for Pain Killers

As prescription painkillers become more popular as drugs of abuse, doctors are becoming more cautious about prescribing them. While this is good for reducing the problem, it does little to help those who have a legitimate medical need for strong pain relief. Obtaining a prescription is more difficul

Mormon FaithFaith Followed By Members Of The Mormon Church

What is a Mormon? Mormon is a group of religious and cultural members who had their roots in Mormonism, the principal branch of the Latter Day Saint Movement. Mormon beliefs or Mormon faiths are widely popular all over the world and there are huge followers of these beliefs.

Best Pain Reliever for Toothaches or Sinus Pain

Finding a pain reliever for a toothache or sinus pain depends on the cause of the pain. Any remedy for a toothache should be a temporary fix until you can make an appointment with your dentist. If your toothache is caused by sinusitis (a sinus infection or sinus pain), a dentist will not be able to

Cure Fibromyalgia With Homeopathy

Fibromyalgia is one of the most common chronic pain disorders, affecting more than 5 million Americans, mostly women. It is characterized by widespread muscle aches & stiffness from all four quadrants of the body that may last the entire day, and most of the times accompanied by incapacitating fatig

Changing Your Posture Can Eliminate Your Back Pain

Working at a desk several hours a day I have learned that improper posture can lead to some serious issues with back pain. I will give you some information that will help aid in preventing poor posture.

Rotator Cuff Repair Exercises - Can You Heal Without Surgery?

When you think of rotator cuff repair exercises you are probably thinking of exercises to perform after a rotator cuff repair surgical procedure. What if you could perform exercises that would help a rotator cuff injury heal without the need for surgery? With the right circumstances many injuries to

How to Prevent Ocular Migraines

An ocular migraine is a migraine headache that is centered around your eye. You might have an aura or blind spot when you are developing an ocular migraine, which is followed by fuzzy vision. Some people have pain around their eye and experience nausea when they have ocular migraines. Simple lifesty

Fibromyalgia Diet Recommendations to Ease Your Symptoms

There are specific fibromyalgia diet recommendations that you should follow if you suffer from this disease.There are some simple steps you can take to improve your diet, which in turn, willhelp you to feel better and at the same time work to control your fibromyalgia symptoms.

3 Tips to Protect Your Back and Have the Best Posture

An important part of your image is your ability to stand or walk erect and with confidence. This can only be done with ease if you protect your back. Anyone who has experienced severe back pain knows the agony that brings and how your body automatically responds to give you support. Instead of being

Cure For Lower Back Pain - Food Groups That Can Provide Cure For Back Pain

In your search for a cure for lower back pain, you become too focused on pain relievers and therapies that you tend to overlook certain dietary intakes that may resolve your back problems. Your nervous system also requires nutrients that can strengthen your bones, muscles and tissues as well as prov

Stopping Jealousy And How To Get Over Your Ex Dating Someone Else

You know your ex is dating someone else, but you just can't stop being jealous. It's all you can think about. You just can't seem to control your emotions any more. You've tried talking to your friends and that may not have helped that much. You can get over your ex and stop bein

Orofacial Pain

This brief primer presents an overview of both common and uncommon causes of orofacial pain, from toothache to TMJ disorder as well as a number of rarer pain syndromes.