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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical
Why You Should Get a Back Flex
Not all relief from a hurting back comes through messy chemical laden creams or electrical appliances. Find out how this simple looking "space age" technology can stop your hurting back.
Dry Needling Helps Relieve Chronic Muscle Tension
Sometimes stretching just isn't enough. Learn about the cause of pain dry needling can resolve.
Ball of Foot Pain Relief - Common Sense Solutions
There are a number of things that you can do for ball of foot pain relief. Resting and icing the area are the recommended treatments when the pain is due to an injury, such as over-exertion.
3 Myths in Treating Back Pain
Back problems are often hard to diagnose and normally involve an assortment of healing options with both risks and benefits. Since it can be very complex, one has to take a deep understanding to know facts about back problems and how to handle them. High knowledge about back pain is indeed very impo
Epsom Salts
Epsom salts first came from the mineral springs in Epsom, England, home of Epsom Downs the famous horse racing town. The water was treated to derive these sharp, needle-like crystals in later times. During Shakespearean times, people would come to drink the waters from these mineral springs because
Spinal Cord Injuries Leading to Temporary or Permanent Paralysis
In a previous article, we looked at different types of back injuries due to trauma. Spinal cord injuries can occur at any level of the back or neck, and may be due to flexion, rotation, extension, compression, or cauda equina problems. And the result can be damage to the tissues including ligament s
Back Pain Secrets Part 3
From the age of 60 the discs lose about 20% of their water content and their ability to recover from a hernia is less, but surgery for this condition is unnecessary and always extremely dangerous at any age, because eventually the neighbouring joints are subjected to constant irregular pressure whic
Natural Back Pain Relief - Effective Ways to Treat Back Pain Naturally
If you have been suffering from back pain for quite some time, you would probably be willing to pay hundreds of dollars just to get permanent back pain relief. The truth is that you don't really have to spend a lot in order to get relief. In fact, you don't even have to go out of the house
Back Stretches - The WORST Approach For Healing Your Back
Why do we get lower back pain? Why aren't back stretches the best solution? Here are some of the reasons why we get lower back pain and common sense strategies to prevent it.
Sore Jaw Joint
A recent poll suggests that 30% of America is suffering from some sort of jaw pain. Most common of which is having a sore jaw joint. If this is you, now you know you're not alone.
Bromide Detox for a Bad Headache
Bromides are naturally occurring chemicals that have been used for medicinal treatment for the last century. They also have been a common ingredient in many products, ranging from pesticides to flame-retardants. Bromides tend to stay in the body anywhere from one to two weeks. Too much bromide can r
Headaches and Academic Performance in University Students
This study looked at the prevalence of headaches in the university student population. What impact do they have on academic performance?
Chiropractors Help With Back Pain
Back pain is a very common complaint today. Nearly 8 out of 10 people experience it at sometime in their life. It can interfere with work and other daily activities.
Bicep Tendon Tear
The largest elbow flexor is the biceps brachii muscle. This muscle is generally used in bending the elbows to lift objects and similar activities.
Hammer, Claw, and Mallet Toes-Topic Overview
What are hammer, claw, and mallet toes?Hammer, claw, and mallet toes are toes that are bent into an odd position. They may look strange or may hurt, or both. These toe problems almost always happen in the four smaller toes, not the big toe. A hammer toe bends down toward the floor at the middle toe
Cluster Headache Symptoms and Treatments
There is an incapacitating disorder that hits a small portion of the population without any forewarning-cluster headaches. Their attacks come at what seem to be haphazard time periods-which is exactly how cluster headaches got their title. Sufferers of cluster headaches may have to endure them for d
New Daily Persistent Headaches
WebMD explains the causes, symptoms, and treatment of new daily persistent headaches, which start without warning and go on for 3 months or longer.
Herniated Disc - Symptoms and Treatment Options
Your backbone is very important for giving your body structure and support, as well as for protecting the large bundle of nerves that make up your spinal cord. If the spinal cord is pinched, depressed, or torn, it can cause serious pain, loss of movement, and even paralysis. Thus, it is key for the
Sinus Headache and What You Can Do to End It
What are the symptoms of a sinus headache? These are the typical symptoms which you might experience:
Headaches Due to Nitrate Allergy
Nitrates are chemicals found in many foods and are used as preservatives. Many people are sensitive to this chemical and can develop serious headaches or even migraines from a nitrate allergy.