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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical
Relieve Lower Back Pain Naturally!
Are you suffering with lower back pain? The lower back, referred to as the lumbar region contains the vertebrae L1 - L5. It begins below the ribcage at L1 and ends just above the sacrum at L5. This is where most back pain is felt since it is the support section for the upper part of your body. There
Device for Pain Relief
Chronic pain can result from injury or almost any type of illness. When more conventional methods, such as medications and therapy, fail to control pain adequately, doctors may try pain relief devices, such as surgical implants or TENS units. Discuss all available pain relief treatment methods with
Acupuncture For Back Pain is Effective
According to a report conducted by medical researchers, acupuncture for low back pain works and can be cost effective. The cost of acupuncture is considered well below the threshold used by officials in order to decide whether or not the NHS is able to afford to fund such a set treatment. However, t
Yoga Exercise Can Help Sciatica
Sciatica is one of those words that sounds vaguely familiar to everyone, but you still might not be able to really define it. It congers up a vague impression of discomfort in the back of the legs.
Peter Abaci
By Peter Abaci, MD-
Chronic pain has become a very large, widespread, and often devastating problem. Unfortunately, we generally do a poor job of helping patients get the resources and support they need to better treat their pain and lead more active and fulfilling lives. My goal is to help
Lumbar Back Support is an Evolutionary Necessity
As William King Gregory, a great primatologist would say, the quadruped vertebral arrangement used in the human back as a "bridge that walks". Animals that walk on four legs have a beautiful arch system that is the result of many millions of years of evolutive process, but the human back i
How to Prevent Intense Soreness, Muscle Pain, and Muscle Spasms, and Stay Active
Don't stay in pain. Keep your active lifestyle. Prevent pain and injuries with these 10 simple, natural tactics.
Alternative To Pain Management
The SCENAR has been proven effective in over 80% of cases and is used for pain management as well as treatment of certain diseases and disorders. The SCENAR works by stimulating the body's own healing process and creating internal balance. It uses biofeedback, which is basically a transfer of i
Sore Knees Inside - The Monster You Can't See - Special Report on Painful Knees That Make You Suffer
Do you have sore knees? We can feel your pain if you do. If you have this kind of a problem then this article was written for your eyes.
8 Triggers of Migraines and 6 Ways to Kiss Your Headache Goodbye
Do you have recurrent headaches that interfere with your life? Does yours last a minimum of 4 hours if left untreated? Have you had new or different headaches in the past 6 months? If you answered yes to any of these questions, find out what could be the culprit and how you can decrease your chance
The Magnesium-Migraine Link - What You Don't Know Could Be Killing You
Did you know that magnesium is critical to your health, and low magnesium levels have been linked to asthma, allergies, fibromyalgia, cardiovascular issues, diabetes, depression, insomnia... and migraines? Learn easy ways to get more magnesium, and beat your migraines!
Fibromyalgia - Tag, You May Be It?
You may be a man or woman who has fibromyalgia.Next, your brother or sister may have fibromyalgia, you daughter has it; you even suspect that your mother has it as well, although she has been diagnosed with it just yet.All the key women in your family have fallen victim to fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS
Are Your Headaches Due to Low Sunlight?
Learn how vitamin D deficiency may play a role in headaches
How to Deal With TMJ Safely
TMJ exercises refer to exercises a TMJ patient can use to relieve their TMJ symptoms. TMJ stands for Temporomandibular joint which are the joints on either side of your face that connect your jawbone to your skull. When someone is diagnosed with a TMJ disorder they could be experiencing trouble or p
Safety Precautions When You Frequently Feel Pain in Your Back
Many people constantly feel pain in their backs because of stress and depression. Others constantly feel back pains because of their regular posture when they are working on their computers or when they sleep at night.
Alternative Remedy for Carpal Tunnel
Finding an alternative remedy for carpal tunnel is a tricky subject. With so many products, from vitamin concoctions to various squeeze balls, all claiming to be successful treatments for carpal tunnel, how do you know where to begin?
Alternative Therapy for Tension Headaches
Whether you suffer from tension, menstrual or migraine headaches, the pain is never fun. You only know one thing during a headache: You must find relief. But for those who have chronic headaches and are concerned about taking medications on a regular basis, alternative therapies are available.
Healing Tendinitis
Vitamin C and vitamin E are necessary for tendons to heal. Talk to your doctor about the best vitamin C and E before you buy vitamins.