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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical
What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
If you are experiencing the following symptoms, then maybe you are suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: do you experience tingling of your thumb? How about your index, middle, and ring fingers?
Sciatic Pain Nutritional Supplements
Sciatic nerve pain, referred to as sciatica, is often caused by inflammation. This is a list of sciatica nutritional supplements that have been shown to have antiinflammation properties and reduce the severity of sciatic pain caused by inflammation.
Back to Nature - 3 Herbs Help Alleviate Back Pain
Back pain is afflicting nearly 80 percent of the American population today. The latest scientific report reveals three herbs which hold a promise of relieving back pain.
The Ultimate Back Pain Relief - Memory Foam Mattresses
Now there's an easy way to relieve your back pain...memory foam mattresses! These visco elastic products mold themselves to your body, thereby relieving pressure on your joints. They really work too.
Migranal Medication for Migraine Headaches
A variety of herbal, over-the-counter and prescription medications are used to treat migraine headaches. Through trial and error, you may find relief through some of these remedies.
Cure For Piles - Your 2 Step Plan to No More Piles
This article covers 2 things you need to do to stop piles from being a problem. You could even say it is a cure for piles to some extent. The article also details some lifestyle changes that can help the process and make it more effective. Check out these useful tips.
Ingrown Toenail Pain Relief
Ingrown toenails can grow into a painful problem if they aren't dealt with in a proper manner. The condition occurs when an edge of a nail grows into the surrounding skin. People who have naturally curved nails are more at risk for developing this problem. Other factors that can cause ingrown toenai
Tennis Elbow Tips - 5 Myths People Believe When Trying To Eliminate Tennis Elbow
If this is the first time you have got tennis elbow then you won't know what to do with all the information on the internet. When I got the injury I didn't know which methods to use and which and what to avoid I just got myself stuck in a web of information. Here I shall give you 5 myths t
Why Opt For Natural Pain Relief? Your Questions Answered
Do you suffer from pain? If so, then you know hard hard it is to go about your daily tasks and routine with this kind of suffering. Many people choose to just pop in pain relief drugs while others simply ignore them. Another group tends to use a different approach to handling pain - with the use of
Tension Headaches-Medications
Your doctor may recommend medicine to treat or prevent tension headaches. You might only need to take an over-the-counter medicine for pain. These medicines usually have fewer side effects than prescription drugs. Over-the-counter drugs to stop headaches Over-the-counter medicines that you can use t
Exercise for Tennis Elbow
A few exercises going around the Internet appear to be quite helpful, but they actually should never be done by themselves without risking making the condition worse. Find out what they are in this article.
1 Easy Trick That May Cure Your Back Pain Forever
Having chronic back pain is an extremely painful and annoying problem that many people suffer from. Many people think that if their back hurts they should take it easy and do a lot of laying around so it can heal. If you've fallen into a pattern like this, your back pain is likely to get worse,
Is Your Doctor's Philosophy of Pain Management Right For You?
The ultimate goal of pain management is to return the chronic pain sufferer to as high a level of functionality as possible.How this is accomplished varies by the type of pain, as well as physiolgical, psychological, social and cultural factors affecting the sufferer.An approach which integrates a n
Can Pilates Really Relieve My Back Pain?
How can you become convinced that Pilates is the answer to your back pain? There is only one way but a lot of people don't want to take the time to find out.
Useful Exercise Tips For Sciatica
Sciatic is the nerve which runs from the lower back region through the buttocks and slides down the back of the leg. This nerve is responsible for many movements in the back, thighs and the legs.
Repetitive Stress Injury - The Dangers of Overuse
Have you ever noticed that when you use everyday items like rubber bands or sponges they tend to wear out over time? The rubber bands lose their elasticity and eventually become very brittle. Sponges lose their ability to absorb liquids and begin to fall apart. This can happen to your body as well.
Can You Treat Sciatica Naturally?
Sciatic nerve pain is caused by the compression of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body. It is also the longest. This huge nerve runs from just above the Achilles tendon. continues through the glutes, and then up to the lower back. This nerve will become compre
How A Simple Leg Stretch Can Help Your Back Pain Part 2
Yoga is a wonderful way to find relief from everyday aches and back pains. And developing such symptoms from working out is quite different from the discomfort that results from sitting at a desk. If you get lower back pain after working out, you're probably tightening the muscles in your back
Post-traumatic Headaches in Civilians and Military Personnel
This report examines the relationship between post-traumatic headache and traumatic brain injury in both military personnel and civilians. Should the ICHD-2 criteria for PTH be revised?
Athletes, Injuries, and Liquid Glucosamine for Joint Pain
The explosion of sports activities in the United States continues. Athletes at the high school, collegiate, professional, or weekend warrior level are put at risk for joint injury.