Free Skin Care Tips

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Skin Conditions & Dermatology : Health & Medical

Pregnancy & Beating Stretch Marks!

Pregnant - then you're going to get stretch marks! WRONG - these days, you DO have a choice and CAN prevent those embarrassing purple lines from ruining your life!

Improve On Nature With These Simple Beauty Tips

Many people strive for beauty. People cover their faces in makeup and use the latest creams, moisturizers, and anti-aging formulas, all in an attempt to be beautiful. If you would like to be beautiful

How Much Elastin is in Human Skin?

If you know anything about the way the skin is formed, you know that it needs a protein called elastin to stay stretchy and able to bounce back when it is stretched. Without the right amount of elastin protein in the skin, it begins to sag and wrinkle. This can make even a younger person look older

Eczema Treatments

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of eczema treatments including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Under Eye Bags Remedy

For most people, eye bags are cosmetic problems that can be really bothersome. They tend to make you look older and often times look tired. During our younger years, tissues under our eyes tend to be flat and toned. As we age, the tissues tend to sag and create a fat bulge. This is often called blep

Top 10 Best Selling Skin Care Products This Holiday Season

This Holiday season everyone is looking for the perfect gift for they loved ones. However trying to find the ideal gift at the right price is not a simple task and can be very daunting, dont worry i have searched for the best selling skin care products that people want right now.

Know the Effectiveness of Spray Tanning

Most of the people in London do not like their white pale skin colour. They are prone to have sun kissed brownish tone. People are often seen lying under sun on a beach and making ...

Pros and Cons of Professional Wart Removal

Warts are a very common and unpleasant condition, and when it comes to removing them, lots of people choose to do this using traditional home remedies. However, there are lots of people that do not trust such cures, and will prefer the assistance of a professional. If you are one of those people, an

Paraben-Free Skincare For Sensitive Skin Types

With the vast number of cosmetic products available, it is often a challenge to know which product is best for your skin. This difficulty is exacerbated for those who are sensitive or allergic to ingredients frequently used by the cosmetics industry.