What Creams For Getting Rid of Dry Skin Work Best?
Although many products may say they are for dry skin, they may not necessary be what you're looking for.
In fact, they could even make your skin worse! The first thing I always tell people is to STOP GOING TO YOUR LOCAL PHARMACY for creams for getting rid of dry skin, or any skin condition for that matter.
These places are full of cheaply-made and ineffective products.
That's the only reason why they are so cheap! In fact, many cheap skin care products even contain ingredients that cause more harm than help for your skin.
For example, mineral oils are often used in cheap skin care products and creams for getting rid of dry skin.
They are used to coat the skin to keep moisture in.
But mineral oils clog your pores, making it impossible to get rid of harmful toxins from inside your body.
On top of that, they strip the natural oils from the skin and causes even more dryness and chapping.
And if you stop using products with mineral oils after you use them, your skin becomes irritated until you use the same product again.
This is how they get customers to come back for more! Instead of going to the pharmacy to get creams for getting rid of dry skin, stay at home and browse online for solutions.
There are many advantages of doing this: *You don't have to drive and use gas.
*You have a much wider array of choices to pick from.
*You can learn much more about creams for getting rid of dry skin than you could from reading a product's label.
*You can find out what kind of ingredients are used in the products and why they chose to use them.
But before you do this, you should do some research to find out what causes skin to dry out.
This way, you can already go into your search knowing what to specifically look for.
In fact, I'll tell you what the main cause of dry skin is.
Every persons' sebum (oil secretion habits) levels are different.
So cream for getting rid of dry skin must contain natural substances that regulate sebum levels to strike a healthy balance.
Jojoba oil is a superb natural ingredient that does this.
In fact, I use anti aging products that contain jojoba oil because they deeply moisturize my dry skin and make it feel soft and velvet like.
And since the make-up of it is so similar to that of human sebum, it effectively moisturizes my skin until it's balanced.
I've found over the years that anti aging products are simply the most comprehensive and effective skin care products on the market.
Before, I used multiple skin care products to moisturize my skin, replenish my natural oils, soothe inflamed skin, and get essential vitamins and minerals.
But now, I just use anti aging products because they do all of these things and more.
And I'm only in my 30s!