Ways to Age Beautifully
The problem is, not all products live up to their promise and not all of them even provide solutions to skin ageing problems. In fact, some may even worsen the skin condition and cause allergy, irritation, breakouts, redness, and so much more. This could be true for skincare products that have synthetic chemicals in them. In that sense, natural products are way better. However, these products can also be costly, especially those with high quality.
While natural products can do the job of dealing with skin ageing problems, there are other ways that are even more natural and less costly compared to using skincare products as ageing skin treatment. Here are five easy ways to keep your skin beautiful and younger looking:
Take vitamin C in Proper Amounts
Taking vitamin C is good for your body's immune system. It actually has antioxidant properties that help the body fight free radicals that cause the skin to age or be damaged in some other ways. Aside from that, it helps the body in the normal formation of collagen which is essential for the elasticity of your skin. The thing is, you body does not produce this vitamin on its own, so supplying your body with it will be very beneficial.
Eat Foods Rich in Antioxidants
Antioxidants help your body get rid of free radicals that can be quite damaging not just to the skin but to your health too. There are so many foods out there that have antioxidant properties like beans, berries, plums, some spices like cinnamon, oregano, and cloves, and even dark chocolate. In that sense, having antioxidants in your diet will not be a tedious task but will be something you can enjoy.
Try the Okinawan Diet
Japanese people are known for their healthy skin and diet. Okinawan diet ensures that you get to eat 10 different kinds of veggies in a day. Vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial to the body inside and out.
Exercise the Tibetan Way
The five Tibetan rites are known to improve blood circulation and drain the lymph system. This exercise detoxifies the body and one of the benefits it gives is a healthier and younger looking skin. If you think it is hard to make time for exercise, Tibetan exercise takes only 20 minutes.