A Quick Look At Skin Moles
All moles on the skin do not automatically lead to cancer.
Skin moles are actually generally of the benign type.
There are two common types of moles, which are, dysplastic nevi and congenital moles.
Others are called the congenital nevi and benign moles.
Atypical moles are also seen in some people.
Meanwhile, melanoma moles are also frequently seen.
Have you heard about the red moles? Red moles have a blood red tinge.
They can lead to much irritation.
They can be quite dangerous, considering their cancerous tendencies.
Atypical moles and congenital moles are considered to be the types of skin moles that could bring a lot of harm to a person.
In recent studies, it has been discovered that people suffering from melanoma either have congenital moles or atypical moles that caused it.
This could be indicative of just how dangerous these types of moles could be.
While it is true that moles appear at the point of birth, other moles can also appear during your lifetime.
You need not be too concerned, if the number of moles is constant.
From time to time, you may notice your moles undergoing uncharacteristic changes with respect to their elevation, size, shape and color.
It is high time to consult a dermatologist.
You may end up spending more if you keep putting it off.
Since laser surgery and cryotherapy have fewer side effects, you might want to consider choosing any of them.
You can differentiate moles using their color, symmetry, or size.
They can even be categorized using evolution.
The usual height of moles is less than 5 to 6 mm.
Anything higher than 7mm requires a doctor's attention.
As the height and the size of the moles increase, so is the possibility of you being afflicted with skin cancer.
Frequent color changes are also alarming symptoms.
The diameter of the skin moles is also a very telling indication.
Practice caution as you notice even the slightest abnormalities.
Make close observation a daily habit.
The rate of increase in diameter might alarm you.
You'd need to have your melanoma examined further to determine what stage it is in now.
You should get yourself admitted for immediate treatment once it is determined that you are in the advanced stages already.
Even the border of the moles is a useful determinant whether a mole is dangerous or not.
The border should be the same color as that of the mole.
Mismatched colors are a symptom of skin cancer.
For instance, if the moles are brown in color and the borders are pink in color as well as thick, then it is a cause of concern.
Moles will be usually round or oval in shape.
If you find some other odd shapes like triangular or some irregular shape, this asymmetry must not be considered as a symptom of melanoma.