Is Laser Removal Of Hair A Lasting Solution For Smooth Hairless Skin?
Few of us are blessed with smooth skin. Some of us go through life suffering unwanted hair on our legs, chest, arms, face and other parts of our body. Excess hair can affect the quality of your social life. In fact, you may be one of those who wouldn't dare to wear shorts or bikinis because you have excess body hair. Don't fret, my friend, home laser hair removal solutions are here to clear up your problems.
So what precisely is laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal is a medical process in which a laser is employed to remove hair from various parts of the body. Laser hair removal is FDA endorsed and though it is not permanent it has the ability to decrease the regrowth of hair.
There are numerous types of lasers employed during this procedure. The laser emits a single wavelength of intense light. This light targets the melanin within the hair follicle. The energy from the laser-light kills the hair and causes it to fall out and keeps it from growing back rapidly.
The esthetician generally applies a cooling agent on the skin before starting the procedure. This shields the region from the radiation of the laser beam being utilized, so that the only thing touched is the hair. This cooling agent is applied through the tip of a laser removal gadget or it may be sprayed on the skin.
When you submit to laser hair removal therapy, a laser gadget that produces high-energy light targets the melanin pigment within the hair shaft long enough to heat up your hair but not too long to damage the surrounding skin.
Laser Hair Removal treatments could be from three to seven sessions with an interval of four to eight weeks interval. Maintenance treatments are usually requisite after the initial treatment procedure to totally stop hair growth in the area. The interval for the maintenance treatments will keep increasing until you no longer have need of them. Treatments however vary from one individual to another.
If you are you thinking of purchasing home laser hair removal gadgets then the following suggestions should be useful:
Tip 1. Home Laser Hair Removal gadgets come with three (sometimes 4) settings - low, medium and high. Always set the level to the minimum setting when you get started obviously to be on the secure side.
Tip 2: At no time, use home laser hair removal devices for treating facial hair. Preferably, visit a proven dermatologist or laser technician before you actually consider it.
Tip 3: Observe all instructions on the device as completely as possible.
Tip 4: Analyze the time and money you would have to spend if you did the actual procedure at a laser clinic rather than invest in an at home laser hair removal device. If the home intervention makes sense to you then follow your heart.
We are all built uniquely and what feels good and comfortable for one will be a wholly risky undertaking for another!
Of course, for most of us, the topmost determining element is going to be cost. Laser hair removal is undoubtedly not inexpensive for the average wage maker. However, if you work in an industry where you need a lot of personal grooming the price tag may well be worth the time saving benefits from laser hair removal. Furthermore, if you have trouble with excessive or abnormal hair growth eg beard growth on women, laser hair removal is an undeniable life changing experience.
In general the cost per session for laser hair removal is in the region of $500 per session.
Most people would require at least 4 treatment sessions. One laser session cannot produce permanent long term removal. To ensure permanent removal, additional treatments are needed depending on the individual's rate of hair growth in the affected area. Larger area's eg. full legs or back will be more expensive than smaller areas eg. upper lip. Every laser hair removal center will have different prices so it will pay to contact a few and compare the price and services they have to offer.
For more tips on Home Laser Hair Removal devices and products visit []