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Personal Safety & Security : Home & Garden

Exterior Commercial Lighting Requirements

The requirements for commercial exterior lighting are regulated using standards developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

How to Make Stake Bed Sides

Keeping children safe is a high priority for parents. This is especially true during the night when they are old enough to sleep in a twin bed. One way to protect a child while she grows accustomed to her new bed is to build simple stake bedsides that are easily removed when not in use. Slip the end

Why You Should Think Twice About Mobile Monitoring

An emerging trend in the security industry is that of the 'self-monitored' security solution. This saves money by allowing customers to receive an SMS alert if their home or business alarm is triggered instead of paying a company to employ a licensed person to monitor the alarm. Before usi

Types of Security Safes for Your Home

If you are looking into purchasing a security safe for your home you might be surprised at the options available. There are a variety of security safes ranging from ones that can be built into your ho

How to Remove Wrinkles From a Lamp Shade

Lampshades come in many different styles and materials, all of which can add charm and flair to your home. Unfortunately, a wrinkled lampshade can undermine the attractiveness of the lamp. The delicate design and construction of lampshades can make wrinkle removal appear challenging, but it is actua

How to Make a Safe Room

A safe room can be a lifesaving measure for any family, and is certainly recommended for those working and living in extremely dangerous areas that are prone to violence, kidnapping or war. While a safe room can take many different forms, it is not necessary for your safe room to be an ugly, cold pl

The Cheapest Locksmiths Service For Vehicles

Some people are lucky and blessed enough to be located in very safe areas, but there are some people who live in places where crime is very common. If you are one of those people living in high risk areas where crime commonly happens, then you have to make sure that your family is always safe and se

Refinishing Using Tung Oil

Tung oil is a waterproof sealant that originates from the seeds of the tung tree. It is a thick yellow oil in its original form. The most common form of tung oil you will find in your home remodeling center has been diluted with solvents. The solvents make tung oil easier to use for novices in refin

Battery for Alarm System

Alarm System batteries are an integral part of your alarm system but are widely overlooked in providing a secure home. The backup battery continues your protection when your house AC goes off. Your alarm battery should be tested and replaced on a regular basis. Wireless alarm system devices also dep

Key Racks - What You Must Know Before Buying Them

Keys are a very important aspect of everyday life. We use keys to lock and unlock doors, open our cars or start our engines. Hardly a day goes by without our handling one of our keys. However, we just do not pay attention to our keys the way we do to items like our money, credit cards or wallets. So

How to Drain Burger Grease From a Cast Iron Skillet

A cast iron skillet heats evenly and is virtually indestructible, making it the frying pan of choice in many households. When cooking hamburgers in your skillet, a certain amount of fat in the meat will melt into grease, which should be drained properly both for healthier eating and to avoid cloggin

Fire Sprinkler Safety

Every 80 seconds a U.S. home caught on fire in 2008, reports the U.S. Fire Administration. Sprinkler systems can reduce the devastating effects of fire for both homes and businesses.

Reasons for Zero-Based Budgeting

The National Conference of State Legislatures explains zero-based budgets as: "rather than assuming the current level of funding and operations as a base, zero-base budgeting theoretically begins at ground zero and builds from there." The roots of zero-based budgeting go back for centuries but the p

How to Remove Stains From a Bamboo Cutting Board

Bamboo is a popular element for cutting boards. It's easy to clean and looks great with a variety of kitchen designs. With increased use, stains from foods may begin to form on the surface of a bamboo cutting board. Even with careful cleaning, stains may develop from strongly pigmented foods such as

How to Reset a Four Digit Combination Bike Lock

A bicycle lock is used to lock a bike to a bar or pole to prevent theft. Different companies manufacture different kinds of bike locks, including resettable combination cables or locks. These types of locks allow you change the preset code to a combination that is easy for you to remember. As long a

Should a Fire Alarm Be Installed in the Kitchen?

Cooking and baking equipment are a leading cause of residential home fires and fire injuries. According to National Fire Protection Association, U.S. fire departments respond to an estimated 154,700 home structure fires per year that involve cooking equipment. So it seems logical to have a smoke ala

Guidelines for Storage of Argon Gas Bottles

Argon is a gas, typically used to fill light bulbs and neon signs. Other uses are in the welding industry and the manufacture of steel and semi-conductors. Argon is stored as a high pressure liquid in bottles or cylinders that require specific safety precautions.

How to Husk Buckwheat

Common buckwheat, or Fagopyrum esculentum, occurs naturally across much of Europe and is widely distributed across North America both as a food crop and invasive weed. It is cultivated for its grains, which appear in dense clusters along the tips of 2- to 5-foot-tall stalks in late summer and early

Advantages of Electric fencing

Before you select a fencing solution, we recommend you to consider the advantages that electric fencing offers.This article highlights all the major benefits of electric fencing. Interesting? Then, wh

Cleveland Locksmith - Solving Your Lock Problems

When having problems with your locks, you may decide to go for new ones of or hire the services of a Cleveland locksmith. Getting the right one requires detailed search since not all have the ...