Child Proofing to Reduce Injuries in Your Home
Experienced parents are aware how daring and curious children can be; they touch anything and sometimes seems like everything they can get their hands on, and some of these adventures lead to accidents happening at home along the way.
The numbers are surprising.
According to the United States National Safety Council, roughly, 45 percent of unintentional child injuries and death in the home are caused by falls, choking, drowning, fire and poisoning.
Choking on an object is the top cause of death to children under the age of one.
While falls are leading one third of the visits to hospital emergency rooms for children under age four.
These accidents can be effortlessly avoided using the right child safety devices.
An effective way to shield your kids when they begin touching and feeling stuff at home is through child proofing the areas that your child may be in where hazards are at their reach.
We have used the different brands of child proofing products in the past to reduce the risks around our home and have found them to meet our needs and standards.
Here are some of the items we frequently use.
Cabinet Latches: We used the devices for the pots and pans cabinets in the kitchen.
You can use these to lock cabinets containing things that may be harmful to children, such as knives and guns.
Outlet Plugs: Use them to cover up electrical outlets, protecting your child from putting his finger into them.
Cabinet door lock: This was installed on the cabinet where we keep all of the cleaning supplies.
Door Knob Guard: we place them on all of the doors leading outside; it alerts us by sounding an alarm if door is opened and a little one is going out the door.
Corner Cushions: These are great to use on counters and tables with a pointed edge.
We found these products to be very cost effective while being easy to use and install.
Using a systematic approach to child proofing your home to create an environment that is safe, you will find just how unsafe some areas can be for the little ones in your lives.
Effective home child proofing will not eliminate childhood injuries, but can reduce the likelihood of them occurring.