How to Protect Your Home From a Holiday Burglary
If a thief really wants to get into your home, you should at least make his job difficult. The easiest way to protect your home from a burglary is to make your entry way nice and bright and to make it challenging for a burglar to get in your door.
The longer a thief is standing in front of your home trying to break in, under good lighting, the better the chance they will be caught and the burglar doesn't want that.
Here are some other tips to help make your home unattractive to a thief:
- Never leave doors and windows unlocked.
- Install motion lights around your house to light up those dark areas.
- Do not leave a key in an obvious place like under the doormat or the planter.
- All of your exterior doors should have deadbolts [].
- Trim bushes and trees around doors and windows so burglars can't work without fear of being seen.
- Always rekey your locks when moving into a new home or apartment because you never know who has a key to get into your home.
During the holiday season, you should take the following additional precautions:
- Don't leave valuables or gifts where they can be spotted from a window - especially those that are small and portable.
- Keep your Christmas tree away from a window.
- Be cautious of strangers. A thief will often pose as a delivery man with gifts in order to gain access to your home so ask for identification. Also, if a stranger comes to your door asking to use the phone, don't let them in. Make the call yourself.
It doesn't take too much effort to protect your home from a burglary over the holiday season, but the peace of mind you'll have is well worth the monetary and time investment you make.