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Reading & Book Reviews : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Christian Fantasy Book - Seabird

The world Thompson creates is one where good and evil may be easier to spot than in our world. Alphesis is front-and-center: there is no one who thinks he doesn't exist.His action in history is obvious, destroying a sorcerer's castle and locking the sorcerers up for millennium.We glimpse A

A Review of More Than Money, Questions Every MBA Needs to Answer

In his book, More Than Money, Author Mark Albion creates a step-by-step recipe for cooking up a life of success and joy -- but not necessarily in that order.By asking the simple question, "What do you want from your life," Albion asks his audience to build a life from the inside out -- to

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma

In the 18th century there was one French philosopher genius, Jean-Jacques Rousseau. It was Rousseau who provided Europe with slogans for return to nature during the times of the industrial revolution when everybody was excited about machines and the power of them. Rousseau argued for a shift from re

Book Review - Never Surrender by LTG (Ret) William G Boykin

Ok, here is another good book that I just plowed through in one day.I think I read the thing in about 7 hours with 368 pages. whew!So if that gives you an indicator of how interesting this book was, then take note. My overall impression was that Boykin was a special operations hero who sacrificed mu

Wicked Prey by John Stanford - A Book Review

Wicked Prey by John Stanford is the nineteenth of the Lucas Davenport series and Stanford gives us more twists and turns than we can handle. Davenport is in the center of the Republican Convention in St. Paul and in the center of intrigue, controversies, thievery, politics, and personal grudges that

Here She Goes: A Selection of Micropoems

1. FRESHNESS - The withered leaves blown in autumn come again with the tired rains the season confers through the soft grey clouds the growing freshness on naked trees. 2. CROSSING - When the sea is still & mind is wingless the shore & moon one: we walk hand in hand crossing horizons hugging

The Prince - A Literary Classic

One of the most quoted books of all times is "The Prince" by Nicola Machiavelli. Often it is misquoted and many times when people hear that name or the title of the book, they cringe, but they shouldn't. In fact, the author wrote the book out of pure observation and history of the tim

Spanish Children's Books - Help You Learn Spanish

Spanish children's books are a great tool for learning Spanish. Beginners and intermediates alike can benefit from reading Spanish children's books, they can boost their vocabulary and generally help them learn the language.

David Frango's The Ghost on the Brooklyn Bridge

In the novel, The Ghost on the Brooklyn Bridge, two heroines, Debby and Sue, dress up as men and embark on a Halloween night adventure they will never forget. It is a life-changing journey; not ...

Increasing Consumer Confidence

Consumer Confidence is increasing higher than Consensus expectations. Consumer Confidence Index levels are improving in today's economy.

Writers Are All About Writing Stories and Books

They provide best writing forums which are the writer's corner where one can post some of one's written work and get feedback. They regularly feature comments from readers about the work published in life of ...

Review of on Natural Selection by Charles Darwin

I have been researching great thinkers and how they have shaped the world. I have also been trying to prove that the act of reading helps to generate or even stimulate great ideas. Great thinkers do not operate within a vacuum, they rely on the works of others, and often expand the original thought

Tithing - Sowing Seed Into God's Kingdom

Larry Robinson is a man with an assignment from God. This assignment is to more fully equip the average parishioner with a better understanding of what it truly means to give our tithes and offerings.

Book Review - Suzanne's Diary For Nicholas

Sometimes it's fun to just spend the day reading. So I did that recently on a perfect spring day. There was a light breeze, it was about 75 degrees outside, and I opened up all of the doors and windows to give the house a good, old-fashioned spring airing-out.

Releasing PTSD Bonds Brings Growth And Knowing Our Source In God

What those of us with PTSD have to learn is the universe has a secret. First, to know it, certain emotions have to be released like anger, fear and regret. It is almost like clearing the dinner table before serving dessert and coffee. We have to get rid of the clutter of our minds to prepare for hea