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Holidays & party : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Romantic Second Anniversary Ideas for Husbands
happy anniversary image by Galina Barskaya from Fotolia.comAnniversaries are a great occasion for a romantic celebration of your relationship with your husband or wife. Though first anniversaries typically are thought of as more of a hallmark, second anniversaries also are important...
DIY Halloween Crafts
Halloween is a holiday in which people can any character, such as a scary witch or a mad scientist. Halloween is especially enjoyable for children, who go trick-or-treating when the sun sets. Homes are decorated with scary and fun Halloween items to celebrate the day. To prepare for Halloween, there
How to Design a Semi-Formal Dinner Program
A semi-formal dinner party will include food and entertainment. Ensure your guests are aware this is a semi-formal affair. There is need to assign seating at the dinner party. Hosting a dinner party takes planning, so don't wait until the last minute. Use a checklist to ensure all your bases are cov
Christmas Activities for Toddlers and Young Children
Even young children can enjoy participating in Christmas activities. Help toddlers with simple craft projects so they can make their own Christmas decorations along with the older kids. Things may get a little messy, but your toddler will love making his own crafts. Enlist older siblings to help out
60th-Birthday Gift Ideas in Jackson, Michigan
Whether you want to give your 60-year-old an exciting adventure in Jackson, Michigan, or a wrappable gift, you can find numerous opportunities in the city that will suit both your needs and your financial constraints. Jackson contains an abundance of shopping centers, night clubs, restaurants and p
How to Make Fresh Evergreen Decorations
Evergreens bring a festive air to your home, not only signaling the beginning of the Christmas season, but also filling rooms with bright greens and fresh, piney aromas. Historically, evergreen decorations represented the promise of spring and relief from the cold. Today, they signal the start of th
Present Ideas for West Point Graduation
Located approximately 50 miles north of New York City, the United States Military Academy at West Point has a long and rich history that only is partially responsible for the academy's prestigious status. Graduating cadets leave the academy with a Bachelor of Science degree and then are commissioned
How to Make Homemade Easter Games to Play With Preschool Age Children
Preschool-age children are delighted by colors, textures and shapes. Since they're so young, they would have a hard time following Easter games with complicated rules or specific goals. Games that incorporate the meaning of Easter can be difficult unless the concepts are boiled down to their most ba
23rd Birthday Present Ideas
Personalize a birthday gift by engraving image by Kovac from Fotolia.comLet the birthday person's age inspire the gift selection. Some ages are milestones, like 16, 18, 21, 30, 40 and 50 years old. Help a friend celebrate turning 23 as if it is a milestone by the selection of your...
Official Floral Arrangements for Those With a Birthday in Autumn
Autumn happens to be a perfect time to purchase floral arrangements, whether they are for a holiday or as a just because. Every month of the fall season has an official flower - discover what they are!
How to Advertise Celebration Homes
Are you currently intending to throw a party? That's a good idea because celebrations are an excellent way to rejuvenate and loosen up from the tensions of daily schedules and a way of gettin
What Items Will I Need to Be Nicki Minaj for Halloween?
Nicki Minaj is a rap superstar known for her eccentric style as much as for her musical talents. A Nicki Halloween costume is fun considering it allows you to exceed the boundaries of normal fashion and go outside the norm. Her style is one-of-a-kind and makes a funky Halloween costume choice.
Daycare Arts & Crafts Activities for Black History Month
Use arts and crafts activities to help young children learn about and celebrate the diversity of America during Black History Month. When the students understand that numerous black people have helped shaped our country in many different ways, it can also encourage them to aspire to their own person
Perfect Gifts for Young Siblings
Worry no longer. If you have the hard task of getting gifts for siblings, then this is the article for you. Great and easy ideas on how you can make this a successful shopping adventure by keeping a f
Non-Traditional Christmas Gifts for Moms
What to give mom? That is perhaps one of the hardest people to find a gift to during the Holidays and the most fun to shop for. For unlike dads, moms have more flair and more pizzazz when it comes to their things. You can actually experiment a little when giving her gifts. The possibilities are endl
Nutrition Tips for Christmas
Survev your options and plan your portions before filling your plate.Liza McCorkle/Photodisc/Getty ImagesThe holiday season is like a minefield for people trying to maintain a healthy diet. It's not just Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day people...
The Pressures of Christmas (And Other Festive Times)
SEX is said to be one thing that speaks volumes of a couple's relationship. Good sex is generally had in a good, stable, loving relationship. Poor sex, on the other hand, merely compounds what's already wrong. Bad goes to worse. The same can be said for Christmas.
How to Make a Paper Chinese Dragon Head
According to the Char4u article Dragon: The Heart of Chinese Culture, dragons are a symbol of wealth, wisdom, protection, strength---and good luck. Create a paper Chinese dragon head to celebrate Chinese New Year. Wear one as a mask and participate in a New Year's parade, or hang it on the wall for
Families at Christmas
Christmas can put a lot of pressure on families as they try and please all their relatives.The key is to take control this Christmas and make sure that you understand that compromise is essential and welcome.