Laptop Recovery:Staying In Business
Security Measures
One of the security issues that can be used to provide you with laptop recovery is to use a software tracking program that will report the location of the internet provider being used by the laptop user. So, if a bad guy takes off with your business laptop, you can simply check the software on the computer to determine the location of the internet provider. This can even be done in real time. Another use for the laptop tracking software is to keep track of where company owned and operated laptops are being used by employees or other company personnel.
Privacy Issues
The major reason for the importance of laptop recovery, in addition to the capital outlay issue, is the danger of private or sensitive business information getting into the wrong hands. For example, if personnel records are kept on a laptop, a thief could easily access the information to obtain social security numbers and employment records. Other business data that may be kept on a computer is sales records, customer contact information and expense reports for traveling personnel. Prevent the disaster of compromised privacy on your laptop or notebook.