How to Know If Your Ex Still Has Feelings For You - This Will Clear All Confusions That You Have Now
Here is how you can tell if your ex still has feelings for you...
Do they call you a lot, and try to see you all the time? If your ex obviously still has strong feelings for you, if they are calling you as often as they can.
No one would take so much time out to try and see you, unless they were really caring for you.
Do they always try to see what you are doing? Obviously, they want to know what you are up to, because he/she still is curious about you.
If someone really had lost feelings for you, they wouldn't go out of their way to find out what you are doing and what is going on in your life.
Your ex may even be asking you this, just to see where they fit into your life now.
Do they buy you gifts and treat you out a lot? Do not mistake this as a simple friendly gesture, but rather consider that your ex is seriously still in love with you, because he/she is now investing material gifts on you still!