What is a Hiring Checklist?
Complicate that by the fact that in a lean economy it is more important than ever to hire the right candidate because estimates of cost to replace a bad hire run from 2x to 14x the cost of employees salary and benefits.
Who can afford that these days.
One way to minimize your risk and maximize your reward is to look at your hiring process and see where it can be improved or simplified.
The starting point is the hiring checklist, where you list the steps involved in a hire.
Start to finish and with as much detail as possible.
Steps in the Process There are 3 parts of the hiring checklist, the work prior to starting the hiring process, the search and selection of candidate and the final step, the interview and hire.
Each should have sufficient detail in your hiring checklist so as to make it clear to anyone the process involved in filling an opening.
How to Create a Hiring Checklist The simplest way is to look at what others have done for a starting point and adapt to your company.
One example is over at Staffing and Recruiting Essentials.
The 3 steps are broken out into 7 separate elements in the process outlined.
Each spells out a process that can be examined independently.
For example, the first two elements are the analysis and documentation of needs and creation of a recruitment plan.
These steps are important and necessary but you may already have much of it complete in your organization if you already do a lot of hiring.
If you do not look at things like success factors, applicant tracking and performing a job analysis, you may want to review and revise your process to be sure you don't overlook a key step in the hiring process.
Sounds Like a Lot of Work...
It is...
but it can save a lot of time and money in the future.
Remember estimates of the cost of a bad hire are up to 14x the cost of salary and benefits.
Even a person making 40K a year can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Weight that against 30 to 40 hours of effort to create a checklist and hiring plan.
To keep your search on track, focused on finding top talent and giving yourself the best possibility of finding that "A" candidate instead of settling for the "B" or "C" candidate, make a hiring checklist.
Get those top candidates working for you and your company!