Fun Crafts and Party Ideas for Halloween
- Younger children can color a pumpkin picture instead of using stencils.Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Before Halloween, party hosts can complete craft projects and use them as home decorations. Use pumpkin stencils to create wall and window decorations. Trace stencils onto orange paper to create the shape of the pumpkin. Use markers or colored paper to create the pumpkin's face and stem. Children can draw a pumpkin, and adults can assist them in creating pumpkin designs to display. - Children will need adult supervision while using carving tools.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Instead of the traditional pumpkin carving contest, a party host can offer a decorated pumpkin challenge to guests. Pumpkins may be carved, but in addition, pumpkins must have added decorations to show their themes. Hosts can choose to offer materials and supplies to decorate pumpkins at the party or ask guests to come with a finished pumpkin. Pumpkins can be displayed on a table during the party, which will add to the decorated feel of the home. - You can find pumpkin baskets in many storesJupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
Plastic pumpkin baskets are a party favor for Halloween parties. A basket favor for children can be used to store candy they receive while trick-or-treating. Adult party hosts can choose to fill baskets for adults with candy and treats. Personalize the baskets by writing the guest's name in permanent marker. Baskets can be given out at the entrance of a party or handed out as guests leave. - Feathers and ribbons can be added to make party masks more festive.Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images
Masquerade parties involve guests wearing masks to hide their identity, making them a natural for Halloween. This party theme will be creative and mysterious. A mask is an economical costume idea for a party theme. The host can purchase plain masks inexpensively and provide glitter and paint for their guests to create their own masks.