Explore the various artworks of the artists throughout the globe
After that many years has passed and my childhood dreams just got faded with circumstances. Situations, circumstances and family conditions were not the same and that made me change my dreams from an eminent artist to a general clerk of an IT company. The childhood dreams although faded away, still there remain some of them in my subconscious mind. In my leisure time or while talking over the phone, I usually start to draw or sketch something without thinking about much if I get a piece of paper or some platform to mark on it and a marker. My friends and colleagues are habituated with that. Even many of my official papers got marked like that. They may be not a form of art that is to be praised but they are formed from my thoughts and without any practise.
I still feel the interest of the art and culture. Whenever I get time and information about any art exhibition I visit it with pleasure. I use to judge the paintings and other artworks with myself and a shadow of the pictures I liked usually gets encrypted within my brain. Apart from the contemporary arts and fine arts there are other forms which I came to know gradually. Some are decorative, some are wall hangings and some are also designed in the textile materials. The contemporary, modern and the decorative arts are the most popular forms those are used to decorate a room visually.
In contemporary arts and in the decorative art, the visual illustrations of Radha Krishna , Lord Ganesha, tribal art, lord Buddha, village pictures and many such pictures are very common. The shapes, sizes, colors, illustrative thoughts and nature of the art can vary from place to place, works of one artist to another and also the medium and platform used in these.
There are various types of mediums and ways of illustrations like fibre glass, canvas, oil and paper, water and paper, pots, wall mats, metallic furniture, wooden items and many more such. There are online auction houses where the buyers meet the artists directly. The original arts are available in these sites. Dubai Artist Sanjay Swarnakar is an well known name in decorative arts like fibre glass molding art or fibre glass wall hanging art etc. Another name in the world of art is that of Artist Probal Banerjee. Both of them are well known artist throughout the globe and has several artworks found in the online auction houses. Anyone can also place orders of any particular artwork and the artists take their utmost effort to fulfil the orders.