Solving Entourage Database Error - The Domain Name Servers Are Not Responding
You can send and receive mails easily with this account as with others e-mail clients.
But at times, it happens that Entourage starts behaving abruptly.
This happens because of many reasons.
Numerous reasons are responsible for it.
Corrupt Entourage identity is one of the reasons for such behavior.
All the data of the Entourage application becomes unapproachable for you.
To overcome such a problem, you need to repair Entourage database.
This can be best possible with a third-party Microsoft Entourage repair software.
Let's consider an error message that appears on the screen when you make an attempt to receive e-mail messages in MS-Entourage for Mac.
But you fail to receive them.
In addition to failure, you receive an error message like this as given below: "Mail could not be received on account account_name.
The domain name servers are not responding.
" In this situation, data of the MS-Entourage cannot be accessed.
In other words, situation of data loss occurs.
Cause: Above error message occurs if the following conditions are true: Down or non-operational e-mail server on Internet Service Provider.
Wrong information of e-mail account.
Corrupt or damaged Entourage identity.
Resolution: To sort out the above problem you have to follow the below mentioned steps: If the error is due to down or non-operational e-mail server, then contact Internet Service Provider (ISP).
ISP checks whether the e-mail server is operational and the settings of your e-mail account.
It also tells you when the e-mail server will be operational again and informs you about the settings of your e-mail account.
If the information is incorrect, then make sure that the information of e-mail account is corrected.
If corrupt or damaged Entourage Identity is the reason for the above error, then make an attempt either to repair Entourage identity or use an updated backup.
If none of the above steps help you to sort out the problem, then try to repair Entourage using a third-party Entourage database repair software.
A lot of software are available in the market that do the job to repair Entourage quite well.
These tools are read-only and non-destructive in nature.
For using these tools there is no need to have a prior recovery experience.
Stellar Phoenix Entourage Recovery is a self-explanatory tool used to repair and rebuild Entourage database.
It repairs the corrupt file, even if the file is logically corrupt.
This tool is read-only in nature.
It performs safe Entourage recovery.
The tool is compatible with Mac OS X 10.
6 Snow Leopard, 10.
4 Tiger, and 10.
5 Leopard.