How NOT to pick a headshot photographer
Long before I became a headshot photographer, I was an actor living and working in Los Angeles ( Whenever it came time to get new headshots, I was faced with the same dilemma that all actors face: How do I find the best headshot photographer available? With all the ones claiming to be "The Best," it was always adaunting and time-consuming task. Back in the day, you had no choice but to get in your car and personally visit each and every photographer whose work you wanted to see. I used to ask my agents and acting friends which photographers they seemed to like, but I found that they often knew less about what constitutes a great headshot than I did. Even the big acting academies were recommending some of the absolute worst headshot photographers nyc in town. But with the advent of the computer, the Internet has made those problems all but disappear—all you have to do is just let your fingers do the walking. Still, shopping for headshot photographers online has created it's own set of challenges. Let me explain exactly what I mean.
I've noticed a disturbing new trend lately— headshot photographers asking their friends or customers to post glowing "FIVE STAR" or "EXCELLENT" reviews online to help promote their businesses. The biggest problem with these fantastical reviews is that most of these photographers are simply not 'The Best'headshot photographers they wish to appear, often using publications like Backstage to publishdeceptive headlines like:"Voted #1 Headshot Photographer in all of `NYC!!!"simply by having all of their friends, relatives, customers, —even themselves—place totally unverifiable votes on the Internet, using bogus self- promotions to create the illusion of respect that they never earned through their own actual ability or experience.
So 90% of the time, online reviews aren't worth the paper they're not printed on. So how does the actor cut through the deceptive advertising and make an informed decision? Simple. Here are my Three Magic Words to always remember when searching for a good photographer: COMPARE, COMPARE, COMPARE!!! Just compare all of the headshot photographers' work you want to see online—their work, their prices, and most importantly their reputation in the industry, not just the hype and phony reviews. Then let your own eyes be the real judge of who is "The Best" photographer for you.
Robert Kim, Photographer