Nutrition for Elderly
If any nation wants to be successful about the health status of it, they have to be most conscious about the health of the elderly persons. The healthy food habit is a key to keep the health better of an elderly person. Â There are many changes occur to our body as we grow older. In childhood or in the adult life the body fully supports our works because the internal ingredients for our body physiology all are well functioning that time, in right amount and work smoother. But when a man becomes older, his body faces some body composition changes. During that time the muscle and bones become weaker, the endocrine glands reduce their functions as the some hormonal change occurs. The body functions are not active like adult stages of life. So, there are many obstacles to lead a healthy life in case of an elderly person. But, if we have proper plan of healthy diet, we can lead a healthy life even in older age. You have to know the facts that you have to follow for an elderly person to keep the health status well.
Some information about eating can make your life better in older age.
The water level becomes decreased as we grow older, so there is great chance to get dehydrated in elderly age easily. And some persons also face the problem. Some time the old person doesn't feel thirsty enough to drink adequate amount of daily. Sometime they work a lot in a day with a little amount water drinking. There is a guideline for the drinking water, at least one ounce of drinking water for 2.2 pounds of weight daily. So an older must be sure about the proper water drinking daily.
When a person becomes old, protein is an important nutrient to take with a great attention. As we know muscle wasting is a common feature of old person, you need to take proper protein daily to prevent the muscular wasting. Protein is essential for immune system also, which protect body from disease conditions. Egg, poultry, lean meats, fishes are very good source of protein. An older folk have to eat high amount of protein.
Carbohydrates and fiber
The main source of body energy is carbohydrate. You need to take enough crab, bread, cereals, pasta and other grain products. If anyone has diabetes mellitus he or she needs to controlled carbohydrates intake as well as other foods.
Constipation is a common problem for the elderly person. It can be prevented by dietary fiber intake. Dietary fiber also prevents the extra fat gain in elder age.
There are very chances of heart disease in elder one, if the fat intake is not limited. Though the fatty acids are essential for body growth and function, you have to reduce the fat use in old age, not eliminate it from menu. Unsaturated fatty acid is good for health, so try to consume the food that contains less unsaturated fat, Tran's fat and have more e saturated fat. Usually fishes contain essential fatty acids and not too much harmful to health. Fat in meats are little beat more dangerous for elderly person if it is consumed in excess amount with diet.
As iron deficiency anemia is a most common disorder for the elder person, iron intake must be proper for that person. The main sources of iron are red meats, liver etc.
Zinc is an important mineral for body. In case of an old person zinc is not absorbed very well. So, you must eat meat, fish, poultry regularly for fulfill the zinc requirement.
An elderly person must be aware about the calcium intake, because at this stage the demand of calcium increases and the old men don't get the calcium so easily. Because the main source of calcium Milk creates the stomach upset in case of most of them. So, they have to avoid milk. Old people need about 150 mg of calcium for a day and non-fat lactose free milk powder can be used in that case as an alternative to milk. Broccoli, yogurt and low fat cheese are the other sources of calcium. By these you can meet up your daily demand for calcium.
Vitamin B12
Many people in old ages suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency anemia because of the lack of intrinsic factor in stomach that helps to absorb the vitamin B12. The causes of deficiency of intrinsic factor in stomach are gastritis, bacterial growth, peptic ulcer disease or inflammation in stomach. So, prevent vitamin B12 deficiency you have to depend on the condition of stomach.
To keep the health of an elderly person good, these above nutrients are needed to consume regularly at the right amount. Balance diet and adequate physical exercise is the key to keep the health well for an old person. If an elder person follows the routine of healthy diet daily and physical exercise, he or she can enjoy the life at that age. So, to have a nice journey of life even in old age, you have to practice the healthy diets.
Some information about eating can make your life better in older age.
The water level becomes decreased as we grow older, so there is great chance to get dehydrated in elderly age easily. And some persons also face the problem. Some time the old person doesn't feel thirsty enough to drink adequate amount of daily. Sometime they work a lot in a day with a little amount water drinking. There is a guideline for the drinking water, at least one ounce of drinking water for 2.2 pounds of weight daily. So an older must be sure about the proper water drinking daily.
When a person becomes old, protein is an important nutrient to take with a great attention. As we know muscle wasting is a common feature of old person, you need to take proper protein daily to prevent the muscular wasting. Protein is essential for immune system also, which protect body from disease conditions. Egg, poultry, lean meats, fishes are very good source of protein. An older folk have to eat high amount of protein.
Carbohydrates and fiber
The main source of body energy is carbohydrate. You need to take enough crab, bread, cereals, pasta and other grain products. If anyone has diabetes mellitus he or she needs to controlled carbohydrates intake as well as other foods.
Constipation is a common problem for the elderly person. It can be prevented by dietary fiber intake. Dietary fiber also prevents the extra fat gain in elder age.
There are very chances of heart disease in elder one, if the fat intake is not limited. Though the fatty acids are essential for body growth and function, you have to reduce the fat use in old age, not eliminate it from menu. Unsaturated fatty acid is good for health, so try to consume the food that contains less unsaturated fat, Tran's fat and have more e saturated fat. Usually fishes contain essential fatty acids and not too much harmful to health. Fat in meats are little beat more dangerous for elderly person if it is consumed in excess amount with diet.
As iron deficiency anemia is a most common disorder for the elder person, iron intake must be proper for that person. The main sources of iron are red meats, liver etc.
Zinc is an important mineral for body. In case of an old person zinc is not absorbed very well. So, you must eat meat, fish, poultry regularly for fulfill the zinc requirement.
An elderly person must be aware about the calcium intake, because at this stage the demand of calcium increases and the old men don't get the calcium so easily. Because the main source of calcium Milk creates the stomach upset in case of most of them. So, they have to avoid milk. Old people need about 150 mg of calcium for a day and non-fat lactose free milk powder can be used in that case as an alternative to milk. Broccoli, yogurt and low fat cheese are the other sources of calcium. By these you can meet up your daily demand for calcium.
Vitamin B12
Many people in old ages suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency anemia because of the lack of intrinsic factor in stomach that helps to absorb the vitamin B12. The causes of deficiency of intrinsic factor in stomach are gastritis, bacterial growth, peptic ulcer disease or inflammation in stomach. So, prevent vitamin B12 deficiency you have to depend on the condition of stomach.
To keep the health of an elderly person good, these above nutrients are needed to consume regularly at the right amount. Balance diet and adequate physical exercise is the key to keep the health well for an old person. If an elder person follows the routine of healthy diet daily and physical exercise, he or she can enjoy the life at that age. So, to have a nice journey of life even in old age, you have to practice the healthy diets.