Requirements for Ordination
- Traditonal Routes Require Great Study
"How does one become a Rabbi? Oh, vey!," jokes Rabbi Klein, in Dallas, Texas. "You might as well ask how the sky becomes blue. The sky has it easier!
"Years of study is one thing, I went through the American Jewish University. But, I began when I was four learning Hebrew, the laws and the right things to say to make my mother smile. One may not be born a Rabbi, but if he is called, he is well on his way by high school. And, from there, education begins. Eight years later, they called me Rabbi."
This stands in stark contrast to a Reiki master who also uses the initials Rev. after her name. Rev. Sloan, also in Dallas, says, "This is a path of light I have been on my whole life. I obtained ordination for my practice through working with another Master of the Faith. The course was simple, but it's not education, it's a path."
Whether you are a traditional conservative or a Zen spiritualist, the title of Reverend and the power it represents are yours for the asking. However, the road to ordination varies widely as does the power it yields. - The traditional road to ordination lies with the house of faith's approved dogma. If you are seeking Rabbinical ordination, education begins early. Sometimes, as in the case of Rabbi Klein, it happens early in life when a child shows aptitude for Hebrew and an interest in historical studies. Even if the interest is shown later in life, most Rabbis begin training shortly after high school. Roughly eight years later, one can emerge a Rabbi, capable of recalling all Jewish law and fluent in Hebrew and, generally, Greek.
The Catholic priesthood is an equally arduous journey. Single men who are willing to take an oath to celibacy and poverty are the candidates of the church. Once one attends seminary and passes through deaconhood, he may take the vows of priesthood.
Somewhat less exclusive are major Protestant denominations. Men and women in the Methodist faith are both able to obtain ordination. The United Church of Christ also welcomes gay and lesbian candidates. All of these also include study beyond the baccalaureate level, and pastors often obtain doctoral degrees in Divinity as well as knowledge of the helping professions such as psychology, counseling or human development. - Ordinations Are Available in Alternative Yet Respectable Routes
As religion has evolved to include different thinking, there are legitimate paths to ordination which require deep inner reflection and advanced knowledge in helping areas.
One resource, Many Paths Ministry, offers ordination based on a challenging review of spiritual principals of Judeo-Christian ideals.
As with anything that is a guaranteed freedom, the opportunity for abuse exists. There are places where a simple keystroke provides an "authentic" ordination. It can be meaningful for someone seeking to perform marriage ceremonies for loved ones--or it can be the beginning of swindles of faith. The damage done by such casually "ordained" ministers can be vast. In the 1980s, the Universal Life Church offered not only ordination upon request but offered a tax scam for joining their church. After millions of dollars of tax fraud, the ULC was forced to repay the taxes and penalties and apologize publicly.
It is best to avoid associations where ministers are required to do nothing to very little before being granted ordination. The legal issues may not directly address ordination, but federal tax officials are aware of the easy route to claiming nonprofit status as a religious organization.- Regardless of the path to ordination one takes, it will require a personal spiritual inventory. The inner journey includes reviewing moral and ethical positions, especially those which are controversial in American culture. Ordination usually carries respect from society, and one must earn that respect beginning within. Whether seeking a life path, a career, personal insight or fulfillment of an honest calling, many paths to ordination are available. Where and how that ordination is obtained is up to the candidate, her house of faith and personal integrity.