Paid to Take Surveys
Thousands of surveys are being taken each week, which means thousands of participants are getting paid to take them.
Do you want to be one of those thousands who get paid to take surveys for cash and receive checks in the mail? If you plan to make money by taking online surveys for cash and you actually want to get paid then you need to find those survey companies who are part of the 20% that actually pay regularly, on-time and consistently.
TidBit: Only 20% of the 700+ U.
survey companies and 3,000+ worldwide survey companies actually pay their participants on a regular and equitable basis.
It's the 80/20 rule.
20% of survey companies pay out 80% of the cash to people like you who want to get paid to take surveys.
Big companies that need consumer marketing info agree to survey fees and send the money to market researchers who pay the survey companies.
Meanwhile, roughly 20% of these pay the participants in cash and the rest try to keep more of the total fee for themselves.
Your goal is to be part of the 20% so you can actually make money.
Q: How can you protect yourself against scams and survey companies that don't want to pay with cash or perhaps don't want to pay at all? A: Sign up with a legit and reputable Paid Survey Program so you can get paid to take survey.
Check out Top 6 Picks for the best of the best! The survey companies that pay in cash have low turnover, keep their same participants and almost never pay recruiting fees.
This is most excellent news and is exactly the kind of company you want to be apart of.
These are the types of companies that have a repuation of paying...
Great! Those that don't pay, the low-pay/no-pay survey companies, have high turnover and have to constantly recruit new participants.
Run like the wind from these companies.
You will save time and money by avoiding these companies.
What is so great about paid survey programs? Let me tell you.
Paid survey programs are great because they weed out the companies that either don't pay, have poor reputations and just a big hassle to deal with.
There are almost 4,000 survey companies in existence - that's a lot to wade through if you choose to go it alone.
Survey programs make sure you get paid to take surveys and ensure a good experience! Another benefit to note, paid survey programs give you a lot of value for a very affordable price.
Most programs have a sign up fee ($35-50) and you get access to their directory of survey companies.
This list is priceless because those are the best of best, cream of the crop companies that will pay you to take surveys.
When you are ready to get paid to take surveys look for paid survey sites with a strong 60-90 day money-back guarantee, backed up by a bank or financial company.
Also, look for lots of testimonials and a low (3-6%) refund rate.
You want to join a program that is not only reputable but also has a high success rate.
They usually go hand in hand but it's important to know what to look for.
The refund rate tells you what the previous clients of that site thought of it.
A low refund rate means that they were satisfied, happy and making money.
It tells you that they were able to take online surveys for cash and got paid to take surveys successfully.
After you sign up with a survey program and get access to their directory of survey companies, apply to all the survey makers on the list.
When you begin to get paid to take survey you will easily make your membership fees back from the payment of your first 2-3 surveys taken.
Just remember this...
You can get paid to take surveys no matter what the skeptics want you to believe! Thousands are taking advantage of paid surveys every single day and you can too.
Depending on your demographics, work ethic and consistency, you should be able to earn approximately $1,000 or more a month from a just few hours spent filling out survey questionnaires each week! Get paid to take surveys today!!!