Saints Row Demo Cheats
- Try out the demo of Saints Row with some hints to get more out of of video games image by Lisa Turay from
Developers Volition and THQ distributed a demo version of the Saints Row video game for Xbox 360 by DVD and download from Xbox Live. The demo provided three story missions, a limited game map, only one of 12 activities and limited weapons. The demo did not support formal “cheat codes,” however players tried various techniques in order to bypass some of the demo limitations. - Exploring the city of Stillwater was one of the most anticipated features of the demo version. The demo only provided access to 10 percent of the total Saints Row game environment, and players used several tricks to access parts of the game map that were protected by “red barricades.” It is impossible to walk through the barricades, but you can cheat by using a vehicle glitch to access the other side. Drive any car so that it is adjacent to the barricade. Use a second vehicle to push the first car so that part of it extends into the barricade. Then press “Y” on your controller to re-enter the first vehicle, and you should be able to drive through and access parts of the game world on the other side.
- You can increase the number of “homies” who follow you by completing tasks and earning respect playing through the game. The demo does not allow you to complete enough story missions to earn followers legitimately. You can play “snatch,” which is the sole activity provided, to cheat. Locate the activity icon on your map to begin an instance of snatch, and then cancel the activity. You can use the three follower slots used to save prostitutes from their pimps to solicit your “homies” to assist you in fighting rival gangs and the police in the demo.
- The demo allows you to use your fists, knives, pistols and shotguns, but does not include many of the automatic weapons that are part of the full game. Locate the hospital on your map, or allow yourself to be killed to spawn there. Use the “car glitch” described above to access the other side of the barricade next to the hospital. Walk along the side of the hospital and follow the alley which leads to your right. Walk left at the end of the alley and look for the basketball courts which are to your left. There is a AK47 assault rifle on the basketball courts which you can return to the legitimate portion of the demo map for use.