Make Glasses Shiny With a Glass Washer
You might decide that you don't actually need a glass washer, in which case you'll need to make sure that it is actually worth spending money on one. For example, if you have invested in a pan washer, the larger version of the commercial dishwasher, you will have two versions of the same appliance, which will free up some space in the smaller model for your glasses, thus negating the need for one. However, if you haven't availed yourself with the bigger model, a smaller appliance could be an excellent investment. The glass washer is a machine designed specifically for keeping glasses sparkling. Such appliances are designed to eradicate fingerprint smudges, lipstick smears and wine stains, leaving them looking just like new. This is a huge benefit for any business, as customers are likely to notice any smudges on the glassware. Dirty glasses will put any self-respecting diner off the restaurant, and invite complaints or dissuade these diners from returning. The stains and wear and tear on glasses will make customers think you don't really care in making their dining experience as pleasurable and possible.
Therefore a glass washer can be a vital appliance to any restaurant or bar. Larger dishwashers can be incredibly useful for keeping the larger items of kitchenware clean, but on such items the residue from the wash, especially after a wash in an older dishwasher, can remain. This residue will, however, not show up on these items. On the other hand, glasses will look dusty and stained, with residue clear for all to see. This residue can also damage the glasses, wearing away their surface and making them weak and prone to breaking. Appliances like glass washers are excellent for ensuring glassware survives as long as possible with very short wash cycles of up to two minutes, keeping them clean and avoiding wrecking your dishes.
With a glass washer, you have an appliance that will quickly become a vital addition to your kitchen. Anything wrong with your glassware will be quickly noticed by customers, making them a vital part of peoples' enjoyment of their evening. No matter how delicious the meal you serve your customers, they will quickly lose their appetite and will not beat a hast path back to your establishment.