Right To Existence For All
According to the qdro consultants, couple of rules that govern the Qdro form are as follows:
1) The judgment relates to the provision of child support, alimony payment, or marital property rights to a spouse, former spouse, child or other dependent of the participant
2) The order is also made to pursuant all state domestic relations law, including any community property too.
A Qdro is often comes into application as a pert of divorce settlement, especially when spouse has a larger share of monitory benefit from the other. What happens in this case is the court actually determines what amount rather what percentage of the amount of the retirement plan's balance is to be presented to the non-owning spouse. Once that amount is determined and finalized by the court, a Qdro is drafted and provided to the non-owning spouse, which allows the non-owning spouse to direct the retirement plan custodian to distribute the funds in the amount specified.
Let's take an example of a divorced case. A Couple is married for almost 20 - 25 years and now both at the age of 40s are divorcing, and as a part of the divorce settlement, the husbands 401(k) plan is to be shaped with the wife in the ratio 1:1 that is 50 / 50, and Qdro enforces the split. After couple of years of the divorce the wife plans to start off a small business as a fresh start for a living. As long, as the funds are held with the husband's- 401 (k) plans, the lady can request the withdrawal and receive the funds without penalty, due to the existence of Qdro Form. How ever had the wife rolled over the fund into any other qualified plan, then qdro would no longer be in effect, and she would be unable to access the funds without paying the penalty for earlier withdrawal. Thus it is important t note that in any cases, the wife would have to pay the required ordinary income tax on the distribution, since the portion of the money goes in her account, and she is all responsible for the money. In the case of Qdro, the owning spouse will not be taxed or penalized on the distribution. In addition, the non owing spouse is free to roll the self share into any qualified plan