Increase Penis Length Naturally - How to Get a Longer Penis in 4 Extremely Simple Steps!
You can even ask those in the medical profession and they will swear blind that surgery is the only way to get a longer penis.
WRONG! I'm here to tell you that penis enlargement exercises definitely do work.
They have been practiced for several hundreds of years and even have medical research and evidence to back them up! In this article I would like to introduce you to the 4 exercises you should perform to increase penis length.
1) Straight down stretch - It's as simple as it sounds.
After you have warmed-up your manhood by massaging it with a wet and warm towel for a few minutes, pull your penis straight down.
You should grasp your member fairly firmly just behind the head.
Hold this stretch for one minute, rest for 15 seconds and then repeat twice more.
The idea behind this exercise is to stretch the suspensory ligament.
This ligament runs along the top of the penis, from the base to approximately half way along the shaft.
It is indeed the suspensory ligament that is severed during penis enlargement surgery.
So rather than cutting into it and hoping for the best, you are going to naturally stretch this ligament over time! 2) The straight up stretch - Your penis is surrounded by 3 other ligaments, known as the fundiform ligaments.
The fundiform ligaments are located at either side of the penis and also running along the base.
This exercise to increase penis length requires that you stretch and point your manhood straight up.
Once again hold for one minute and then repeat the exercise twice.
3) Stretch to the left - This exercise stretches out the fundiform ligament located on the right side of your penis.
Grasp your penis just below the head with a firm grip and pull to the left and hold for one minute.
You may find stretching to the side for the first time places a little strain on your manhood.
We are used to our penis being stretched up or down during sex or masturbation, but it is not often your penis is pulled to the side! As long as you don't feel any pain or discomfort, perform this exercise 3 times in total.
4) Stretch to the right - You guessed it! The final penis enlargement exercise to increase penis length involves stretching your manhood to the right.
This will ensure that the fundiform ligament that runs along the left side your penis is fully stretched.
Once again hold each pull for one minute and complete three in total.
These are possibly the easiest of all the penis enlargement exercises.
However as most guys have never even considered, never mind tried, exercising their manhood you may find them tough to begin with.
If you are a complete beginner, i would suggest that you follow a reputable exercise program.
This should help you learn far more about the anatomy of the penis and how to continue increasing it's size!