VigRX Plus Vs Vimax Pills: Which Pill Should You Try First?
Desperate to correct these issues, they turn to male enhancement products such as pills or herbal supplements to help them achieve the sexual satisfaction they desire, while providing their partner with the same.
With the number of pills on the market it can be difficult to decide which pill is the best.
This decision is made even harder when it comes down to the two top rated male enhancement supplements on the market today--VigRX Plus and Vimax.
It is my hope that the following information will help you decide what pill to try first.
Similarities It is only fair to begin this informational piece by telling you that both of these male enhancement pills have numerous similarities.
This is why it is so difficult for men like yourself to make a choice between the two.
Unfortunately, there are a number of affiliates or paid customers who leave fake reviews to convince you to buy one product over the other.
For this reason you need to understand that there are truly few differences.
* Both are top rated based on customer reviews * Both are all natural, being produced with only the highest quality ingredients that include herbs, amino acids, roots and vitamins; they are not synthetically produced prescription drugs * Both Vimax and VigRX Plus are produced by major health companies, with high quality being a priority * Both are safe and have no adverse side effects * Both produce the best results for men like yourself who suffer from erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, decreased libido and an inability to maintain an erection * Both supplements offer a 60-day money back guarantee that includes the price you paid for shipping *Both state you will notice an increase of 2 to 4 inches in the length of your penis, however, this typically occurs over a period of weeks 2.
Ingredients in VigRX Plus Although the ingredients in both male enhancement supplements are all natural, not all ingredients are the same.
Here is a break down of what you will find in VigRX Plus.
* Bioperine is the first and most important ingredient, as it increases the potency of the remaining ingredients * Damiana is an aphrodisiac and helps increase sex drive * Puncture vine offers numerous benefits which include increasing sex drive, decreasing impotency and increasing testosterone and energy levels * Epimeduim leaf is great for the male reproductive organs and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat impotence * Gingko leaf promotes blood flow to your penis which makes it easier for you to have an erection * Ginseng, although best known for enhancing memory, is gaining popularity among those with impotence problems * Additional ingredients include the aphrodisiac herbs such as saw palmetto, catuaba bark extract and muira puama bark It should be noted that saw palmetto may actually worsen erectile dysfunction.
Ingredients in Vimax As I said, there are one or two ingredients that are in both products, however, some differences exist.
Here is the rundown of what you will find in Vimax.
* Cayenne pepper improves the absorption and potency of other herbs in the body * Avena sativa prevents premature ejaculation, increases testosterone levels and enhances desire * Saw palmetto improves sexual desire and decreases impotence * Tribulus terestris enhances erectile function and sexual desire while boosting your energy levels * Ginseng panax not only increases your sexual desire but helps you last longer in bed * Gingko biloba improves blood flow to your penis * Dodder seeds increases the strength of your erection and prevents premature ejaculation * Horny goat weed, a popular aphrodisiac, increases sexual desire, plays a major role in penis enlargement and increases the stiffness and strength of your penis 4.
Studies A major factor in determining which pill you should try first is clinical studies.
If a company is willing to put its product to the test to prove its efficacy then it is worth purchasing.
VigRX did just this, using real participants.
Those who took VigRX during the study had a 66 percent increase in erectile functioning versus those who took the placebo.
The makers of Vimax have not yet put their product to the test, however, this product has remained on the market for 10 + years and is manufactured in an FDA plant.
This is worth noting.
You now have all the facts to make an educated decision between the two products.
If you are still undecided, though, I would suggest trying VigRX first.
It is produced under the supervision of doctors, and even though it is slightly more expensive, you must remember that you get what you pay for.