Penis Enlargement Surgery Alternatives - Why You Shouldn"t Opt For Surgery
Far too many men have fallen into the trap of going under the knife and waking up with a lot left to be desired, you see a cosmetically enhanced penis is just taking things to the extreme, for starters you will be in pain for a while after the surgery and you will not improve any of your other sexual floors aside from the size of your manhood.
So whats the point? OK so let's say you have thought through all of the different surgery procedures, have you seriously sat down and considered the price? Did you know that you could be paying anywhere between, $3,000 to $10,000 depending on what kind of technicalities are involved and what your overall goal is? I don't know about you but I have never come across somebody in such an extreme case, who would even dream of paying that price.
It's just ludicrous, and damn painful.
Overly expensive 'after care' treatments are just a small surprise waiting for you after you wake up form the grueling operation.
It's a known sales technique by doctors and surgeries that once the patient has come around from the anesthetic, it's time to start embedding the must do's and don't's of after care, which usually involves some form of magical gel that heals the scars quicker or keeps the pain away for longer periods of time.
If you take the time to do a bit of internet research like I advise my clients to do, you will come across a stupendous amount of penis enlargement alternatives including some of the popular well known ones.
I'll give you a quick run down of just three I have found and which are a lot cheaper than going for surgery.
Herbal pills - I have not discovered yet why there are so many of these pills on the internet and why so many people support them, they just seem very suspicious to me and I have had repeated clients come to me and say they are a waste of money.
How can taking a couple of pills miraculously encourage penis growth? I'm not sure how either, but also some of the ingredients are hilarious, (Horny Goat Weed) or otherwise known as Epimedium Sagittatum which you may find in some so called "herbal supplements" this little gem is supposed to give your love life a spring in it's step as one of many aphrodisiacs.
Not a choice for me or my clients I'm afraid! Exercises - Now we are talking, you if you were to start using some form of hand exercises to increase the growth of your penis then I would support that, studies have shown that using natural methods such as penis exercises can stimulate not just growth in length and girth but also, ejaculation strength.
Diet - Oh yes this is the big one, how clued up are you on the whole diet thing? Not very knowledgeable I'm guessing, but hey listen your actually not alone, many guys don't know of which vitamins and minerals naturally help and revive their penis size.
Start with a well known mineral such as Zinc as it's an essential trace mineral, which means it must be obtained from within the diet since your body cannot simply produce enough.