Decorative Halloween Flags & Banners
- Banners can be hung from banisters, shelves, or windows. Making your own banner is easy and can be done for very little money.
First, you will need to purchase felt from a fabric store. You'll need five 12-inch by 12-inch squares, one each in yellow, white, orange, black and purple. You'll also need candy corn buttons, which can be found at any craft store during the Halloween season.
Lay the yellow piece of felt out onto a clean, solid surface. This will be your banner's background. On the white piece of felt, use a pencil to trace two or three ghosts, about four inches high. Cut them out with sharp scissors. Trace and cut out two pumpkins from the orange felt. From the black, purple and remaining white and orange felt, cut out letters that say "Happy Halloween," or any other message you would like.
When all of the pieces are cut out, arrange them onto the yellow 12-inch by 12-inch background piece. Once you have determined the arrangement of your banner, attach each piece using a needle and white floss or thread. Randomly sew on the candy corn buttons. Sew black ribbon at each top corner. Use the ribbons to hang the banner. - Halloween flags can be placed outside on a flag pole that stands alone or that attaches to the house. Placing a Halloween flag outside adds to the fun atmosphere of the holiday and it is easy to do. First, decide on what design you want your flag to have. It can be simple with, just one large pumpkin on a black background, or it can be busier, with ghosts, black cats and witches. You can add wording to your flag as well, such as "BOO!"
Once you have a design for your flag, purchase one yard of nylon, cotton or polyester fabric (all work well for flags) for the background of the flag. Then buy the material that you will need for all of your designs and lettering in colors of your choosing. Iron the fabric so that there are no wrinkles.
Trace all the shapes that you want to use onto the materials. Cut out the patterns and letters and arrange them onto the background to get a visual of what you want your flag to look like. Sew each piece onto the background using a sewing machine or by hand. If you desire to have a two-sided flag, do the exact same pattern twice, then sew the two pieces together.
You can purchase a flag hanging kit at any home improvement store, which you can attach to your flag. You can also hang sew a dowel into the fabric; this will also work for hanging your flag.