Kids Craft From Recycled Plastic Bags
- Seasonal decorations out of plastic grocery bags make great activities for young children. Parents can help their children make Halloween decorations at home. For example, they can make ghosts by cutting any printed logo and the handles off a large, white plastic grocery bag. Continue to cut the rest of the bag into strips, then blow up a large white balloon and tape the plastic strips onto the bottom of the balloon. Create a face with black marker. These crafts can be hung with string or laid on tables as decorations.
- Children can make their own weaved rugs and carpets out of plastic bags. With a few additional supplies, such as garbage bags, cardboard and scissors, children can create functional, plastic bag-inspired rugs. For aesthetic purposes, children can opt to use different-colored plastic bags. This craft also teaches children how to weave as it is the main step in this activity. The cardboard serves as the base of the carpet, which they can tie the weaved bags onto as they go along. They must tie one end of the plastic bag to the top corner of the loom. Then they can weave each section in an opposite pattern as the one before. As they continue, they can attach more plastic bags until the carpet is completed.
- Plastic bags can also inspire jewelry. Children can make crafty necklaces with plastic bags, straws and glue. For example, cut a plastic bag into small triangle pieces. Fill the inside of the triangle with glue and place a straw in the center. Wrap the triangle around the straw tightly to create a bead. Mix glue and water to get a light glue solution, then brush a coat of this solution onto the bead. Repeat this step for as many beads needed for the necklace and let them dry overnight. Once dried, you can cut off the excess straw and string beads on a piece of ribbon around your neck or wrist. Children will enjoy this craft because it allows them to wear their own jewelry created from scratch.
- Children can create their own exercise and recreation equipment with plastic bags. For example, they can create jump ropes. They can cut extra large plastic bags into three long strips and weave them together, leaving a few inches loose at the end of the rope. Then, they can tie a knot and place additional plastic strips around knot to create handles. They can use these eco-friendly jump ropes both inside and outside of the house.