What is the calorie count of dates?

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Dates have been ?round ??nce th? beginning of civilization. The date w?? very important to beginnings ?f western civilization. It wa? credited w?th permitting desert dwellers survie ?nd prosper in ancient Sumeria. During wars date orchards wer? ?ften burned t? th? ground by the victor t? subjugate the conquered populations. The m?ny references in the bible to the date ?nd palms shows h?w important the date was. References t? honey in ancient biblical passages ar? m?r? l?kel? th?n not references to honey from medjool dates. The medjool date ?? not to? well kn?w ?n western culture, but ?nce ??u taste ?ou ar? l?k?ly t? enjoy it and p?rha?s ev?n love it.

Even th?ugh medjool dates may ?pp??r t? b? loaded w?th calories th?? really ?r? n?t ?nd unlike junk food natures candy (medjool date) is composed ?f highly nutritious stuff. Three ounces of dates w?ll h?v? around 230 calories, but they h?v? 62 grams of carbohydrates, 570 milligrams ?f potassium and 6 grams ?f fiber and 10% of magnesium requirements. There ?re no ?th?r fruits that have ?? much punch ?n an ounce f?r ounce comparison ?f carbohydrates and potassium. Dates have al?o b??n linked w?th lower rates ?f heart disease. The medjool date i? a by far sweeter th?n ?n? other dates and the diet ?f individuals linked w?th lower heart disease rates is composed ?f oth?r types ?f dates that ar? n?t quit? ?s sweet, but the basis nutritional value is comparable. For athletes needing a lot ?f carbohydrates th?re ?? really noth?ng quite a? good a? medjool dates. Considering th? caloric v?lue ?? n?t much higher than ?ther fruits and th?re i? no reason wh? ?ou c?nt enjoy as m?n? medjool dates as y?u ?n eat.

Medjool date cultivation ?s v?r? labor intensive. The date palm d??s n?t start producing until aft?r ?ev?n years l?t?r ?r so. Medjool dates are separated t? kee? th? clusters smaller and permit th? fruit to grow larger. They ?re th?n hand picked one at a time. They ?r? th?n sorted ?nd cleaned and shipped f?r grading. Then the? get t? th? consumer. A r?latively expensive fruit, but a fruit th?t is n?w w?thin the reach ?f everyone. At ?ne time th?y wer? reserved f?r royalty. Only royalty h?d access to the medjool date. It w?? and continues to b? ? dessert fruit. It ?? n?t eaten ?? part of ? regular diet. Other date ?r? eaten a? staple food and ?t is comparable t? bread ?n other parts of th? world. Between eating a candy bar ?nd a date, enjoy y?ur date the nutritional valu? ?? very high ?nd doe? n?t compare t? ? candy bar. Even though relat?vely expensive a? a fruit it ?s not mu?h more expensive than a candy bar. A pour of candy bars w?ll cost alm??t ?s mu?h ?? ? pound of medjool dates. The health benefits fr?m medjool dates c?nnot ev?n b? compared with candy bars. So n?xt time dont even worry ab?ut the calories - th? calories ar? minute in comparison to candy bars and th? fiber w?ll only hel? ??u stick t? ?our diet ?nd maintain ??ur target weight.
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