House leveling San Antonio, TX
Leveling a house is not a job for do-it-yourselfers. In fact it is not a job for anyone to do alone. You need professional engineers to measure and place beams and jacks.
You risk causing considerable property damage and even risk lives if you don't know what you are doing in house leveling San Antonio, TX.
First you want to be sure your house does need leveling.
Are doors and windows misaligned? Can they open
and close properly? Do the floors obviously slope down and are there cracks in the interior walls?
In addition, are there spaces between floorboards and gaps between the wall and the ceiling? These are pretty sure signs there are foundation problems and house leveling San Antonio TX should be investigated.
The first thing to do if you suspect your house needs leveling is to call in a professional engineering firm with experience in house leveling San Antonio TX to give you a free report and estimate. An engineering firm is preferable to a contractor and you want one with experience in doing foundation repairs. They should give you a contract, warranty, and information sheet that will address the conditions in your home and what they specifically will do to repair foundation flaws.
You will need to assure the engineering company that they can have convenient access to your home and water supply. Any pets and children must be safely out of the way when work begins. Foundation repairs often call for holes to be made for the work to be done properly, and you don't want anyone falling through.
What does it typically cost to repair a house foundation in San Antonio, TX?
This depends entirely on the extent of the damage and how long the condition has existed. You must recognize that each building is different and construction methods vary.
But the average costs for an average home can run from $3,500 and up for underpinning of a house. More foundation damage can be from $8,000 to $12,000 for partial underpinning.
And with extensive foundation damage you can expect to pay from $20,000 to $30,000 for full underpinning. But professional engineers can tell you how many piers you will need for your foundation and floor surface elevations.
Weight bearing soil capacity is taken into consideration, as are drainage, foundation deviation and the structural design of the building.
Your homeowners insurance may cover the cost of house leveling San Antonio, TX, especially if the necessary repairs are the result of a plumbing leak.