Warning Signs of a Bad Web Design Company
There are many good companies and individuals, but there are just as many, or more bad individuals offering web design.
Here are a few signals that the company you are hiring might turn out to be a bad web design company: No Website If this doesn't send up every red flag in the book, I don't know what will.
If your web designer doesn't have his (or her) own website, he either is just so slammed with clients that he hasn't had any time, or, more than likely, he doesn't really know what he is doing.
No Portfolio A web design company that won't show you any of their previous work can be trouble.
It is very important to see what quality of work you will be getting, especially if they are asking you for thousands of dollars.
Not only do you want to see that they are reputable, but so many people hire a company that they think will provide quality, custom website design and end up disappointed with the result and have to pay some other company to fix or redo their website.
Don't end up like that.
Make sure you see what you will be getting.
Expert of Everything Web designers love to claim to be an expert in just about anything they have tried.
If you are talking to one person who says he is an expert in website design, SEO, PPC, and anything else you need, you may do well to be a little skeptical.
While it is true that some design companies offer both web design, and search engine marketing, it is usually from different experts.
I have met a lot of designers who claim to do SEO, but when examined, their SEO skills are terrible.
Be very careful of individuals who claim to be an expert of everything, you may be end up paying for nothing.
No Clear Communication of What You Will be Getting Many web designers will tell you they understand what you want, and will do it for you, but the end result ends up being not quite what you wanted.
Do yourself a favor and make sure you know exactly what they will be doing, and that they will make sure you are happy with the end product.
Again, nothing is worse than having to pay another company to do the job over again, so do some research and make sure you know your website designer will be delivering exactly what you want.