WARNING - Guaranteed Search Engine Ranking CANNOT Be Achieved Without These 3 Keys
How important are keywords to my article? A.
They are a critical part of this process.
How should I use the keywords? A.
There are 4 places in the article where keywords need to be used for high search engine ranking optimization: 1.
The Title.
Use the keywords at the beginning and, if possible, include them again to give it some extra SEO juice.
The Opening Paragraph.
The Body.
You want the article to be reader friendly and appeal to the spiders.
Work the keywords in at least twice or as often as every 50 - 100 words.
The Closing.
Your call to action should remind your readers of the solution they were looking for.
(for example, the keywords - "increase website visitors") Q.
Why are keywords important? A.
To achieve a guaranteed search engine ranking.
Is there a tool that can help me select my keywords? A.
Use the free keyword research tool at freekeywords.
com/gtrends Here is how you might use this tool: We do a search using the main key phrase of our business.
For example, your business is helping people increase website visitors.
You find a keyword half way down the page that is specific and has less competition from other marketers, for instance, "create high search engine ranking optimization".
If you have a product for that keyword, you start writing your informative articles resulting in targeted traffic.
You could literally dominate the Search Engines.
Is the TITLE OF THE ARTICLE important? A.
Yes, the title of the article is crucial.
It is like a sales page headline or promotional email subject line.
Is there anything I should avoid while writing my title? A.
Yes, avoid hype and sounding too promotional.
People reading articles are generally looking for information, not something to buy.
The title makes up 50% of your article!It is an enormous factor in helping you create high search engine rankingoptimization and increase website visitors.
Can you give me a few tips for writing blockbuster article titles? A.
Here are 5 power packed ideas: 1.
Use caps occasionally in some of your words to grab attention.
Caution, don't ever use all caps.
It is an irritation.
Use power phrases in your title such as: "How To", "The Secrets To Getting...
", "5 Powerful Steps To...
"tip - using numbers in the title results in more views" 3.
Ask a question.
Bring in the power of curiosity.
When confronted with a question, we NEED to know the answer.
Don't forget to use your main keyword phrases in your article title for guaranteed search engine ranking and increased website visitors.
Include some power words.
Power words incite strong emotions in readers.
Words such as "brand new", "amazing", "secrets", "deadly" are highly effective in getting attention.
Can you give me any suggestions on how to create a KILLER OPENING? A.
An opening, or introduction to your article content, should grab attention.
You willidentify a problem and assure them that they will be provided with a solution asthey read on.
Here are some examples of how to write effective article openings: If you have ____________, then ______________________ Are you interested in ___________________? In this article, you will discover _____________________.
If you're looking for ________________, then look no further than____________.
If you've ever wondered ________________, the truth is_____________________ Here's a secret that may surprise you: ________________________.
If you are considering __________________, this article will be right up your alley.
There are many factors to think about when _________________________.
___________________ is one proven way to _________________.
How many times have you heard this phrase?"_______________________________"